Author Topic: CZ75 Shadow TAC II  (Read 1312 times)

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Offline Trh9905

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CZ75 Shadow TAC II
« on: March 24, 2019, 11:50:10 AM »
I had a senior moment and purchased a CZ75 Shadow TAC II off gunbroker.  It cost me 1300 to get it in my hands.  It feels amazing and the trigger is sweet.  What are your thoughts about this gun?

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Offline whitetail hunter

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Re: CZ75 Shadow TAC II
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2019, 03:18:15 PM »
I had one of these in my hands before I bought my Shadow Target 2. It's a great gun I was just looking for the full dust cover and went with the target 2. I don't think you can go wrong when it's a CZ custom gun.  :P

Offline czdrifter

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Re: CZ75 Shadow TAC II
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2019, 04:21:07 PM »
I am interested in the Shadow TAC II also but have never had the chance to handle one. Will be interested in hearing everyone's thoughts on this pistol.

Offline Trh9905

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Re: CZ75 Shadow TAC II
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2019, 06:20:03 AM »
CZ stopped making the TAC II in 2017.  It was replaced with the shadow ii (target?).

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Offline adrian

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Re: CZ75 Shadow TAC II
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2019, 08:30:20 AM »
     Hiya Trh9905 and thanks for the thread. And request several pics,left and right,close up on sights,maybe sight pic in low light, and range report with vid or pics at some point. Well, my days of being able to afford such a senior moment are a few years behind me. Unless I'd like a phoenix summer without A/C,cable,t.v for the next five months. So my initial thought is jealous,its an ugly emotion.
     My first experience,with a cz that is,was a rental 75b, just the smoothed out trigger had me at hello. I prefer the look of the 75b to the sp-01 but imagined the dustcover would decrease muzzle flip and it did just that. So what have you experienced comparing the two platforms? So bought a czc Shadow sp-01, converted it to SAO, then bought another czc Shadow  sp-01 and just did the short reset,and bought a cz sp-01 Tactical, finished my sp-01 love fest with a CTS long slide,which pairs a tactical sports upper to a fill sp-01 lower,that met my full size sp-01 needs.
     Since I usually shoot in SA, I jumped on a used czc 75b-SA with the fill Shadow treatment plus a Novak-Heine cut rear sight, and this would resemble your Shadows SA cousin, and I don't prefer night sights. So my thoughts are you have a very nice custom gun there.
     If your next senior moment allows you to seek out a czc 75 long slide,I believe you would appreciate the balance and shootability of the pairing of a shadow lower to a tactical sports upper. The added weight of the upper resulted in less muzzle flip than the sp-01 while retaining the basic look of the 75b. Suppose the imprinting that occurred early with Brownings Hi-powers has my brain believe thats a great looking gun. And glad cz was able to pair their engineering to have it shoot as good as it looks. Be well.

Offline Trh9905

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Re: CZ75 Shadow TAC II
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2019, 05:00:17 PM »
I?ll post some pictures of it but I haven?t had a chance to shoot it yet.  Looking forward to taking my 75b and the TAC ii to the range.  I have a basic behavioral problem though.  I need to buy less and shoot more!

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