Author Topic: CZ 75B SA at a local range  (Read 2431 times)

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Offline Sulpgnir

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CZ 75B SA at a local range
« on: March 29, 2019, 08:54:17 PM »
Here's my 3" target at 7 yards with 115gr Fiocchi FMJ rounds.  Still need more practice  ;D  Any helpful tips, feedback and/or comments would be greatly appreciated  :)

Offline adrian

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Re: CZ 75B SA at a local range
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2019, 09:20:53 PM »
     Hiya Sulpgnir and thanks for sharing your thread and pics. Your targets seem to suggest feedback already,do you agree with the assessments? My instructor used to say if your pattern  fits your handprint you are there. The 75bSA is a fun range gun. Not double action shots to throw your consistency off. Are you trying to shoot in certain act of seconds? are you allowed to be drawing for each shot? having split times measured?  Comfortable with sight picture to put all shots in the black at a closer distance? Do ya alternate with the other hand? Some days one shoots hella straighter one over the other. On the trigger prep,do ya shoot then let up the pressure to stop when you feel it reset? Preventing trigger slapping. Are you pushing with trigger hand while pulling with the other. Ya made me wish I woulda gotten off my butt and went to the range today. Be well.

Offline Sulpgnir

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Re: CZ 75B SA at a local range
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2019, 10:40:29 PM »
......Are you trying to shoot in certain act of seconds? are you allowed to be drawing for each shot? having split times measured?  Comfortable with sight picture to put all shots in the black at a closer distance? Do ya alternate with the other hand? Some days one shoots hella straighter one over the other.

The range does not allow drawing, nor rapid fire (one round per second.)  I was basically trying to find a rhythm between shots.  I am right-handed, so I did not alternate with the other hand.  The EZ/D 9-40 sights are still new to me.  Next time I will bring the target closer and see if I can put all shots in the black.   

...On the trigger prep,do ya shoot then let up the pressure to stop when you feel it reset? Preventing trigger slapping. Are you pushing with trigger hand while pulling with the other. Ya made me wish I woulda gotten off my butt and went to the range today. Be well.

I was just working on getting a good grip and focus on the sight picture.  I think I was pushing and pulling too hard :D  My hands and arms got really tired by the time I shot the last round, LOL.

Thank you for your feedback.  It gives me something to work on next week!

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Re: CZ 75B SA at a local range
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2019, 05:31:55 PM »
Looks like a nice group in my world and nice looking pistol also. Are those LOk thin bogie grips? 

Offline Sulpgnir

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Re: CZ 75B SA at a local range
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2019, 12:47:27 PM »
Looks like a nice group in my world and nice looking pistol also. Are those LOk thin bogie grips?

They are Guuun's G10 grips.  I like them because you can get a solid grip.  They are also light and slim.

Went to the range again last Friday, most shots are in the black now.  SA is about 2.9# and reset is very short.  Also took my SA 1911 Loaded Target along.  Really like them both.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: CZ 75B SA at a local range
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2019, 03:22:51 PM »
Try some different ammo.  Guns are "funny".  Sometimes different brands or bullet weights will shoot better groups.  My P09 definitely shoots Federal 115 grain FMJ very well.  Winchester 115 grain FMJ doesn't shoot nearly as nice and is dirtier, too.

You can practice at home.  Not shooting.  But (after making sure you don't have a round in the chamber or a magazine in the mag. well) holding it up  as if you were shooting, holding the sights in alignment on a spot on the wall and practicing the breathing, the grip and even trigger pull (dry firing).  You can buy snap caps for the chamber or use a rubber o-ring.  Someone here can explain the size o-ring (I don't use them, so I don't know what size they use) and why it should be a red one (that I do understand).

Good luck with it.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Sulpgnir

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Re: CZ 75B SA at a local range
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2019, 07:59:07 PM »
Try some different ammo.  Guns are "funny".  Sometimes different brands or bullet weights will shoot better groups.  My P09 definitely shoots Federal 115 grain FMJ very well.  Winchester 115 grain FMJ doesn't shoot nearly as nice and is dirtier, too.
I used S&B 115gr FMJ on my last outing, and the groups seemed to be tighter. 

I have used Remington and Winchester rounds before.  They were too smoky and dirty.  Too bad that my range bag does not have enough room for a gas mask, LOL.