Picked it up this afternoon. I mostly have CZ Compacts of one type or another, a Pre B CZ85 and the P07/9 guns. This one is definitely different and I like different.
Rail runs the full length of the slide (yeah, nothing knew to anyone that owns one but it's the only one I have like that.)
Full length, plastic, guide rod. That's not too common on full size CZ75 types with no light/laser rail is it?
Hard plastic grips (will have to go, I like the soft rubber ones like come on the Compacts.)
Ambidextrous thumb safeties, like the CZ85's.
Factory target was only a 3 shot group. All the other new ones I've bought, even one that was used, had 5 shot group targets on the paper. Oh, 3" group, for those 3 shots, at 25 meters.
And one difference I've already "corrected." I keep hearing about the storage/shipping protectants put on CZ's at the factory but I never see it on a new CZ pistol. I've bought about 15 CZ pistols in the last 7 or 8 years (two or three used, the rest new) and this is the first one I've seen all "gooped up" with something inside and ouside. A clear/amber looking stuff that is real stringy/gooey. It was inside/outside. May still be some inside. We'll see if I get around to adding/upgrading parts at some point. I got all I could see/reach wtih wiping cloth, tooth brush, cleaning rod.
2018 pistol with a Feb. 2018 target.
After cleaning, lubing and reassembling (dirty barrel was the quickest thing to clean, only took two patches.)
Slide with the goo on the rails and some smears of it on the bottom/front. Had some on my hands by then, from looking at the pistol. Felt waxy on my hands, not really sticky.
Recoil spring/guide.
You can see smears of it on the barrel/chamber area. It was in the locking lugs of the barrel and the front outside surface of the barrel, too.
Look where the stuff was under the thumb safety. The thunb safeties were/are very stiff. I was working them on/off over and over and when I stopped I saw all the stuff that had run out (between me lubing it and then working the safeties on/off.) Wiped it off on both sides and worked the safeties some more and had to wipe the stuff off again. I may have to strip it down again and go outside and squirt a can of carb. cleaner on/in/through it to try to soften up and blow it out.
In case you can't tell, I'm happy, so far. It's different looking and I may be able to make it even more of what I like before I'm done.
Now I gotta go shoot it....