Hiya Fuzzy Sights and thx for your thread. It sounds like a very fun project. Several members here have also come to find the 75b-SA frame a perfect .22 platform. And think I recall you were the lucky chap who found an extra threaded barrel in your shadow 2 kadet kit. Well hope this thread will educate and entertain.
Pictures save 1000 words,and hope you consider providing some. I don't know the difference of your shadow 2 kit to the one I bought in 2012.
If ya have time, grab paper and pen and start on the kadet history here and move forward. You will find our resident experts on your platform and be familiar with what their years of using the platform for BE.
With it being a competition gun, do they allow all competitors any manner of platform,czc work,hammer, trigger action,red dot,suppressor,reloads,or are there level of it. Could a lowly Kadet on a p-01 be allowed to shoot against one of these 4,000 cz customized Kadet/75bSA's. It would be Hyundai verses Tesla, just not fair.