Hiya boddington and since seeing this is an inaugural post,welcome form phoenix,arizona.
The thing would be to complicated for me as well to, so no harm there,but since ya made it here,and excellent job uploading a you tube vid,I can't even do a pic.
Since the things a paperweight till monday,tell us about where you are from and your gun history. What had ya looking at cz's with so much competition these days?
Don't get me wrong,I've owned the 2012 cz 83 and an excellent .380 and great backup, easy to carry and conceal pistol.
Where did ya come across it ? And mention that you'd bought it from a place you especially don't trust,and no good prospects locally. You're not from the Karrada district in Baghdad perhaps ?
So there are plenty of custom shops that you can find mentioned here, I believe that the community trusts them,but not wholly sure that would equate to you trusting them, I hope so tho.
As far as figuring out a hack with running the SA only when pressing down on the safety, this can only cause more harm than good to your platform,as it certainly wasn't designed for it. Well...unless it was designed by M,for in house agents only.
I'd pass on the sonic soaking idea,as steam cleaning an engine would prolly not fix a fuel or electrical system issue. Da gun is broke,but most likely can be fixed. Even close to brand new cz's under warranty have been totally replaced if the smith made that call.
Take a minute to visit cz-usa's website,you will find a drop down for dealer throughout the country and connect with one thats close to ya. And close to last on the to do list is pass this on to a new owner unless you can trust yourself to also provide them your you tube link. Cheers. Be well.