Well, guys need a little info and thoughts! The good thing is I have some mad money and a NEW gun is on the horizon, just trying to decide on "THE ONE"!
BIG factor is mags! I have a ton of CZ75 mags that work/fit into my S2/SP-01 & even my 07 if I needed them to, so my BIG question is will these same mags work in the PO-9? I'm on the fence between another 07 in OD Green, it is nice to have a backup to your main carry gun for range time, rotation, etc or just in general, a 2nd of any gun is nice! Although I have wanted a 09 for some time just because! I know their great guns and they are the Big Brother to the 07 so really same manual of arms and such just a tad bigger! So I know I couldn't go wrong with the 09 !
Now on the premise that I could be shammed and ridiculed to death (
) I use to be a GLOCK guy and have a ton of Glock mags and have held/shot the G45 and its a really nice pistol and would be happy to grab one of them also! BUT if the mags from the CZ75 style guns all run and fit the same in the 09 I would be more inclined to buy a 09 ! Anyways some thoughts and ideas and info would be much appreciated, going to a Gun Show on Saturday so will be browsing the area looking for "that" deal! I'm sure one won't be found but its fun to go and look anyways. Thanks for the tips & I'll keep ya posted!