My experience with dots.
Some people see different colors better. I can see the amber dots better than the green dots. Some people say they can see green better than amber. Try, before you buy, and see which ones work best for you.
With iron sights you have to line up three things. The front sight, the rear sight and the front sight on the target. With the dot you just put the dot on the target.
With iron sights you really need to focus on that front sight which ends up making the rear sight and target kind of "fuzzy." With the dot you focus on the target. The dot is fuzzy (is for me anyway as my eyes are 62 years old now) but the dot is still easy to put on the target.
With the dot, you don't have to have it centered in the lens to hit your target. I've done this:
Dot in the left side of the lens but on the target and squeeze the trigger.
Dot in the top of the lens but on the target and squeeze the trigger.
Dot in the right side of the lens but on the target and squeeze the trigger.
Dot in the bottom of the lens but on the target and squeeze the trigger.
Dot in the center of the lens but on the target and squeeze the trigger.
You still get a nice group as long as you have the dot in the same place on the target for each trigger squeeze.
Two bullets in the bottom/center hole. The P07 and P09 will (both of them) put bullets so close together (when I'm able to do my part) that I'm wondering how I missed the whole piece of paper. Until I take the next shot and see that hole get just a little bit bigger.
Lot's of people don't like new things. Some new things are worth embracing and learning to use well.