The 2023 CZUB Catalog is online!
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what it all comes down to many things is that many things gets passed onto the consumer. the companies will dangle moving to a place only to not pay any taxes and pass that onto the "employee". the Employees cant opt out of paying taxes since everyone knows the people cant speak with one voice like a corporation can, so the bills gets pass onto the people. For good or bad.Our Beaverton is the corp home and mfg to many global companies. When the city stated they needed to get more funding for the infrastructure for all of these corp were coming and building and wanted to start making the corp pay some, the corps threaten to pickup and move. Guess who won? When those corps have you by the balls, you wont be saying or doing much. SO i hope AR does their homework and make sure what salaries those employees are paid will cover the infrastructure for the time that company is there and in the future. if it was me, i would make sure some numbers were made into a legal document so that they dont stiff the city.
Looking like the South will be the center of American firearms manufacture before long.Beretta in Tennessee, Glock in Georgia, Remington in North Carolina, Taurus and Kel Tec in Florida, CZ in Arkansas.....
Sweet, might have to take a quick vacation down there sometime.
I wonder what product line CZ is planning on building in this new plant. Hopefully they can find room for the Bren 2. If they can start producing this model stateside, then they can avoid all the hoopla with making the imported Bren 2 922c compliant in the US.
I wonder what product line CZ is planning on building in this new plant.
Well, lets go completely nuts, how about a single stack subcompact PCR in 10mm Auto?