I?ve been toying with the idea of getting a CZ83 after handling a surplus one at a local gun store. I really liked the way it felt in my hand and the heft of the steel frame.
This morning when I woke up for whatever reason I decided to browse the used gun section at Kittery Trading Post. A couple of guns caught my eye that usually aren?t there, a 97BD and this:

A new unfired CZ 83 satin nickel finish vintage 2011. It literally looks like someone bought it and put it in the safe right away. Has the original box and all the paperwork including the test target.
Hopped in my car and took the hour ride to Kittery and took a look at it. I paid $395 which based on the price I?ve seen for some of the surplus ones isn?t that bad I?m figuring. I don?t see too many of these around in the shape anymore so I figured I got a decent deal, some may disagree. Hopped in my car and took the hour ride to Kittery and took a look at it. I paid $395 which based on the price I?ve seen for some of the surplus ones isn?t that bad I?m figuring. I don?t see too many these around in this shape anymore so I figured I got a decent deal, some may disagree.
In any event I?m happy to finally get ahold of one
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