It?s an awesome little gun, and I typically hate little guns. Couldn?t recommend it enough. It?s definitely got some recoil impulse being so small and so light, but it?s the perfect amount for a pistol in this role. The trigger is also wonderful. Doesn?t aim nearly as nice as a CZ (bore axis/slide to frame height and ratio are the other direction entirely; your PoA/PoI hold will be higher than a CZ) but once you?re used to it, it is a phenomenally accurate shooter. I have to alter my normal grip, as there?s not enough frame to place my off hand thumb, but again once used to it and finding a comfortable grip, all good. More accurate than it has any business being in that size. And it?s an absolute joy to shoot.
As for the 15?s they look goofy as sin to me, but they?re quite nice. I myself, prefer the 10?s and 12?s so far to be honest (especially the flush mount 10, for ultimate invisibility). But let me get used to the 15?s a bit more before making the call on that verdict.
HIGHLY recommend one. It?s a wonder gun. I?m mr CZ, typically on pistols, if it ain?t CZ it ain?t for me. The Sig 365 is my go to carry piece, and that?ll not change anytime soon. (Not counting winter months ? that?s CZ 75 territory with 19 round mags)
Here?s some (poor quality) pics of the goofy 15?s

It?s so small and light, that I literally forget that I?m wearing it. And man is it fun to shoot, especially with hotter loads.