Fair enough, each to there own.
If I remember without looking at it........
1. Drive out trigger pin
2. Take trigger spring loose (or do that before #1. Would have to be looking at it to remember)
3. Push trigger and trigger bar up into frame.
4. Push top trigger small pin over and take a pair of needle nose to remove pin the rest of the way.
5. Old trigger out, new trigger in.
6. Needle nose and small pin back in.
7. Install CGW trigger pin (well worth the price)
8. Make sure trigger sprimg is in its correct location.
That's basically all there is to it. As I said, there might be a few things in the wrong order........my recliner is not very conducive to deep thinking and remembering this time of the evening.
You did it on a decocker and not a safety model correct?
I’ve personally removed and swapped out the curved triggers on a few of them without removing the sear cages.
Some I didn’t even take the trigger bar out of the gun.
Guns were both decocker and safety models.
Rami, SP-01, P-01, 75B SA
Have the correct punch for the trigger pin, a pair of tweezers, some light grease to hold the small silver trigger bar pin in place while you push the trigger back down into the frame so you can then install the trigger pin.
It’s a pretty quick and easy job, really just a matter of holding the gun to the right, left, straight up at the correct times during the process.
The CGW old style 85 trigger is the way to go in my opinion and available in black now as well which it wasn’t when I was doing mine.