You didn't say which brand the brass was or where you got it. That makes a
HUGE difference in bolt-action rifles.
Additionally, if you did a full-length re-size on the brass before loading, then YOU might be the issue. With "
straight walled" pistol brass we try to get the Sizing Die to go all the way down to the shell holder in order to "size" as much of the brass as possible. But with bottle neck rifle brass, things are a lot different.

In a bottle neck cartridge, the shoulder is used for "
head spacing".... which is really nothing more than holding the cartridge
tightly inside the chamber, which then allows a good gas seal. So the brass has to be sized by slowly lowering the FL Sizing Die in very small increments until the bolt closes...
but just barely. That resistance you feel is the shoulder of the case being smashed tightly against the shoulder of the chamber... forming a primary gas seal.
It's actually a GOOD thing your cartridge DIDN'T fire, because all that pressure that normally pushes the bullet down the barrel would have come rushing back toward the shooter. In other words, the gas would have taken the easy way out of the chamber... possibly blinding you.
So let's talk about the source and brand of the brass, and how you Sized it.