To me it comes down to the simple analogy, better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I think there seems to be a misconception for some reason, even though obviously there should not be, with novices that the first trigger pull HAS to be in double action.
Anytime I?m even coming close to a situation that I even vaguely think I need to pull out my gun on, I cock it first. Keep my finger on the outside of the tirgger guard. My point is there?s nothing stopping anybody from cocking it first and from there every shot forever becomes a single action trigger pull.
The advantage of a double action is for those unforseen situations, where it?s the middle of the night and you?re sleeping and some guy barges in your bedroom door and you have to grab the gun half-asleep!!! Yes, you want to be able to just pull the trigger with absolutely no thought process so to me again it?s the best of both worlds and I just don?t see a negative???
You don?t like the heavy double action pull? Fine, cock the bleep thing first and make it that semi auto gun that you so desire and love LOL.