? Up-down shot placement is related many things, but most often to the recoil of the ammo. Higher power "self defense" ammo starts the recoil sooner, so there is slightly more '
muzzle flip' before the bullet exits the barrel. It's only fractions, but you can see it on the target.
Try a different brand of ammo, and/or a different bullet weight.
This is one of the "features" you can "dial in" if you reload.
? Secondly, the way the human eye works, you need a
very small point to aim at. So it could be simply the size of your target. I keep a black, wide tip marker in my range bag and use it to draw 3/4" black bullseyes. I've also used black target "pasties" from action pistol matches. The point is, you need something small and finite.
So small and densely black that you cannot discern the difference between a combat and 6 o'clock hold; there's only THE hold.
You generally cannot buy this type target at indoor ranges.
"Man targets" are great for that type shooting, but are useless for accuracy or POI testing. When you finish with your man target, flip it over and start drawing those black dots.