Author Topic: Gun Show in Richmond, VA - 08/24/19  (Read 840 times)

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Offline M1A4ME

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Gun Show in Richmond, VA - 08/24/19
« on: August 24, 2019, 06:32:54 PM »
Lots of 9MM Rami pistols.  Never saw so many.  Not a single .40 (yeah, I know, they quit making them.)

Saw one 9MM P07 DUTY (those haven't been made far longer than .40 Rami models and yet they still have them for sale as new pistols).

Saw a couple CZ97 BDs.  No idea what they were till I looked closer.  First time I've seen one of those.

Not a single P07 or P09 (or P10 for that matter) in any color but black.  I still (sorta) want an OD Green P07 9MM.

Saw a couple urban gray Shadow IIs and one in Black and Blue.

Saw one Cold War Commemorative CZ75.

Saw a couple weird ones.  One vendor had a CZ75B with the blue aluminum grips (not the Shadow II grips) and it was tagged "CZ75B Blue".  Another vendor had a similar CZ75B but with green metal grips.  Nothing special on that tag.  I didn't look at the boxes/labels on either one.

Anyone else seeing CZ75s with colored metal grips on them?

Not a single P01 (regular or Omega).

Not a single Tactical Sport or TSO.

I just bought some Winchester small rifle and small pistol primers and came home.

Well, I did fondle on FNS long slide in 9MM but neither it nor any of the others I saw had thumb safeties.  I still don't know if I can convince myself one of those might be as accurate as my P07 or P09.  After the disappointment of that new M&P 2.0 5" FDE I'm not sure I'm up for spending that kind of money on another pistol that won't shoot with my plastic CZ's.

Oh, the place was absolutely packed.  I haven't seen that many people at a gun show in VA since Obummer was in office.  They were lined up at both entrances to pay their $12 a head when I got there around 1145 AM and when I came out almost 2 hrs. later there were still lined up waiting to pay to get in.  I sense a lot of worry about the upcoming VA elections.  The Republicans barely held on to a majority that time and a lot of people feel the dims/libs/progs/socialist will take control of one, or both, state houses on the next election.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?