New update with Wheeler digital trigger pull readings. I can only give the readings after the kits were installed since I did not have this Wheeler gauge prior to Mcarbo kit installations. All readings are an average of 10 pulls.
2016 standard full size CZ75b SA 2#13.2oz DA 6#12.2oz (about 3,000 rounds fired)
2018 polished stainless 75b SA 3#0.00oz. DA 6#13.8oz
2019 polished stainless 75b SA 2#15.6oz DA 7#1.7oz
2019 polished stainless 75b SA 3# 5.6oz DA 7#7.0oz (this one has the factory sear spring)
If there wasn't a bit of hammer cam, these numbers compare very favorably with my Shadow 2 and Shadow 2 Orange, despite what Earl thinks...
stock Shadow 2............ SA 3#2.5oz DA 8#13.2oz
stock Shadow 2 Orange SA 2#13.7oz DA 8#7.4oz
I do have a new CZ75b retro that is factory stock and the SA was 4#11.7oz and DA 9#6.8oz.