earlan357--Thank you for the detailed and intriguing explanation. I had forgotten that the trigger springs and bar combination worked backwards from what we are used to with a hammer gun. Obviously, I haven't had a P-10 apart in a few months. And I'm old.
I just got home from shooting my P-10F for the first time in a month. I had to zero a new Holosun 507C sight and adapter plate from CZC. (5 rounds of Rem UMC and then 15 rounds of AA 115 JHP at 25 yards standing single hand and I was done.) This pistol has the initial striker from CGW, some polishing, and a Glock (Wolff) 4# striker spring and retainers. The trigger pull matches my needs almost perfectly for a bullseye gun--a predictable wall followed by a smooth displacement to break at about the same pressure. I'm thinking some folks would say my trigger has too much creep and is not crisp enough for them. For me, it is pretty good. I could probably live with a little less total pull weight, but the trigger movement to break after the wall seems about perfect to me for bullseye. I shot the P-10F very well this morning, considering I was coming off the P-10S factory trigger, which was predictably kind of painful after 50 rounds.
I'll have the P-10S apart later this week for the CGW parts, Glock spring and retainers, and some polishing, then I'll shoot it at 100 yards. I may shoot the P-10F at 100 during the same session just for comparison.
Keep up the excellent work.