My Urban Gray P01 would occasionally jam (really, no pun intended) a 115 grain hollow point into the ramp and I'd have to push it loose with my finger and then it wouldn't (every time) feed on into the chamber, so I might have to "fish" it out of the way and chamber the next round.
One day when I was cleaning it I felt a small line that ran across the feed ramp. The feed ramp was black, like the rest of the barrel and I could not see that line, but I could feel it with a finger nail.
I got out the Dremel with a sanding drum and easily/lightly sanded the feed ramp at the same angle till the black finish was gone and I could no longer feel that line across the feed ramp. Then I got out the felt wheel and lapping compound and shined it up like mirror. Then I cleaned it up, lubed it and reassembled the P01.
Not a single feed issue since that day.
I'm not saying yours has a similar line/gouge/dip in the feed ramp from one side to the other. You can check to see if yours has it and if so, polish that ramp and then see how it feeds.
One of these days I'll shoot mine more. I've been on a run of XD .45, M&P 2.0 9MM, FNS/FNS Compact and the CZ's have been neglected - except when I pull the P07 out of the IWB holster and shoot a group to see if the poor groups I've been shooting are the other brands or me. So far, it's been those other pistols. Terrible thing to stand there trying different ammo for an hour or two, feeling bad about the results and then have the P07 tell me it's still better than the rest. Not terrible to remind me why I carry the P07, but terrible to have wasted the money on those other pistols and ammo trying to make them shoot with the P07. My P09 hasn't been shot in a year or more now. The Urban Gray P01 about the same. Only CZs I've shot in the last year are the P07 (very little), the CZ75B .40 ( a little more), the P01 (not as much as the CZ75 B .40) and that's about it.
Check out that P01 UG feed ramp and see what it tells you.