I've used the cheap VISM sight pusher (works on the rear sights) on 3 P07s. One CZ75SA, one CZ75B, two CZ75 Compacts, and two P01 Omegas. Hasn't broken yet and that first CZ75 Compact felt like it was about to move a small truck before that factory rear sight finally broke loose and began to move.
Front sights on the metal framed models are easy to start and easy to finish, but can be aggravating during the middle part of the job.
Start - removing the front sight pin and end - installing the front sight pin.
The aggravating part is if you get a sight that either requires making a complete notch in the base or slightly opening up the base if it's not quite big enough/lined up correctly so the pin can be reinstalled.
Removal of some factory front sights is so easy you wonder why all the talk about them being difficult. Then you run into one that you will be ready to swear was silver soldered in place prior to the pin being installed. You pound on it and pound on it and suddenly if pops loose and begins to move.
Put some lube, liquid wrench, PB blaster or something on/around the sights once a day for a couple/three days prior to starting the job. Give it time to work in there and lube up the surfaces the sight will be sliding against on it's way out.
I have used brass punches to remove CZ75 front sights. I've used a shade tree method of placing the top of a slide up against the corner of my work bench so the rear of the sight is against the wood and then smacked the end of the slide with a rubber/soft faced hammer. It does a number on the wood along the edge bud after several good wacks the sight comes loose without damage to the sight. Honestly, the brass punch and hammer is a better way to do it but you almost need three hands (one to hold the slide, one to hold the punch and one to hold the hammer.) You can use a vise (I'm sure lots of folks do) but sometimes the bench/vise isn't were I'm at when I'm replacing sights.
And, finally, I'm old enough/eyes bad enough now, that no front sight is good for me unless I have my glasses on. If I loose my glasses in a scuffle I can't see much of anything up close but the blob that is the pistol and my hands. I have an RMR on my EDC P07. If I ever get figured out what my around the property carry pistol is going to be it will get a miniature red dot, too.
With glasses the red dot is a red dot. Without my glasses it's a fuzzy red dot, but I can see fuzzy and put it on the target.