I just got an STI Staccato P Duo a couple of weeks ago and now this happens...
I'm good for now though, the DWX in a configuration I would really want will probably take a while, I'm still waiting on my BREN 2 after all...
I LOVE the STI, it is a wonderful gun, but this Dan Wesson X fixes the basic gripes I've always had about 1911s. I don't like grip safeties, barrel links and separate bushings. And needing a paper clip or a piece of plastic to keep the spring system together during cleaning is a PITA for sure. You can't beat a good 1911 trigger though... Dan Wesson is awesome for doing this.
I'd like a DWX in as close to the same configuration as my Staccato P Duo, a shorter than 5 inch barrel and pre-cut for an optic with properly sized back-up irons out of the box. I really like the Dawson optic plate system on the Staccato P Duo.