So, I should have gone back and reviewed my own "how to" video posted above before going to the range on Thursday, but I didn't. So I set everything up at 9am under windy and partly cloudy conditions, with a storm expected before 11. Low winter sun at around 10-11 o'clock to the shooting direction. Winds 15-25 mph from 2 o'clock. Had to weight the video camera tripods down, and then put a blind on the sight to keep the glare off the lens.
I thought I could just set up and shoot a couple a 6" groups with the little subcompact and then go home before the storm. That was my first bad assumption. It took 40 rounds and 8 walks to/from the target for me to settle down and do everything right per my kitchen video. Grip was too loose, dot was too bright, wind was varying, sun was going in and out of the clouds. I decided to cut the video down to the last ten shots. By that time, the clouds were getting heavy and dark and the wind was changing. But the target was finally presentable.
Next I decided to pull the P-10F out of the bag and shoot 10 rounds, same conditions, same setup. That actually went fairly well, but indicated to me that the conditions and imminent storm were affecting my ability to shoot the 4" group at 100 yards that I was hoping to achieve! So, I'll go back when conditions are better. And I'll review my own "how to" video before I go, next time.