Author Topic: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe  (Read 3649 times)

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Offline Arko

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P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« on: November 02, 2019, 09:55:13 PM »
Just prior to joining the group I had bought my first CZ, an Omega P-01 and I'll have to admit, I found the action as a whole atrocious, I mean I was really disappointed.  It was gritty, the trigger had stacking like I had never seen, it was HEAVY heavy in double action. Coupled with the long reach I honestly couldn't run the gun. Now granted some years back I suffered a catastrophic injury to my right hand/forearm and had 3 surgeries including a nasty tendon transfer to get my right thumb to work that they unhooked from my trigger finger ( God in his infinite wisdom gave us two tendons in only one of our fingers, our index fingers). Hey, if I couldn't hold the bleep gun I sure as ^#@! couldn't pull the trigger. So, I dont have a full power trigger finger but man, this trigger Is heavy.
  Hearing all the praise so many here heap upon your CZs I figured there had to be something that would help. Using the wealth of knowledge found here (and a select few other sources) I ordered some parts from CGW and broke out the dremel. I bought an extended firing pin w/spring, reduced power trigger return spring, 13# hammer spring, reduced power plunger spring, 75220 DA roller, and a 75 Omega increased weight sear spring set  and used the .023 spring.
  After following along with the awesome thread by schmecky(?) about how they polish the internals and cleaning everything up I found out just how rough the factory parts are. WOW! I certainly did alot of work especially to the trigger bar. Bending the trigger bar spring he said did more to reduce stacking than almost anything else, I believe him.
  After polishing the pins and mating surfaces I began the reassembly and discovered that I needed a slave pin, which I didnt have, so I'm off to make a slave pin. The guy who's video I was watching kept saying what a PITA it was to reinstall the trigger even with a slave pin so I was dreading it, for NO reason because it went smooth as butter, just like the rest of the pistol. I was shocked and surprised.
  When I was done I finally realized why you guys like your CZs so much. It's like a totally different gun, I mean that completely. It really is a different gun. I havent even fired the thing yet but I plan to remedy that tomorrow.  I'll report back.
  Want to thank everybody for all of the help and encouragement you all unknowingly gave me.
  Is a Reach Reduction  Kit in my near future along with that new hammer? Probably.


Offline jurek

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2019, 12:03:13 AM »
I'm glad you find your P-01 Omega working for you as expected.
Yes, you are right, this gun with factory parts is rough. But this is why it doesn't cost $1,000.  8)

Like in your case, this forum helped me with exactly the same issue. [my pistol should be named now as CGW P-01 Omega  ;D]
Once you live fire this gun you will be amazed how smooth it is.

Regarding your next step.. I'm not sure if I caught you right, but "Reach Reduction  Kit" is not for Omega triggers. I would say you already have this feature in your firearm...

Offline Arko

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2019, 12:35:41 AM »
You're right. I meant the short reset as found in their pro package for an Omega.
  No, the gun doesnt cost $1k as purchased but I'd wager that most Omega out there are now exceeding their initial purchase price by a couple hundred $. Though many are getting along just fine with nothing more than some of the new owners time and labor.
  Now, if they could only do something about the take up in the Omega triggers. Also, I'm sure you're right, I'll be even happier once I live fire this puppy.

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2019, 01:00:38 AM »
Be careful with "short reset kit". Try your pistol as it is now first.
This kit with other CGW parts makes the gun very sensitive and you can easily do rapid fire (3 - 4 rounds like fully auto).
Not good for everyday carry ???

Offline Underwhere

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2019, 03:49:51 AM »
I too find stock CZ triggers pretty horrible.
I wouldn't buy CZ if it weren't for CGW.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2019, 07:21:04 AM »
And some of us carry cocked and locked so we never even know what the DA trigger pull is like unless we put a gauge on it just to see.

Neither of my P01 Omegas are modified to make them smoother/lighter.  I did polish the feed ramp on the UG pistol to fix a nose to the feed ramp jam issue it would sometimes have.

But, I know there are variables in everything man makes.  I bought two of those steel framed CZ75 Compacts that look  like P01s.  Absolutely the worst/nastiest CZ SA triggers I've ever pulled.  I have a 5 gallon bucket of CZ DA/SA pistols and I believe someone went out of their way to pick the worst looking parts they could find to assemble those two pistols with.  I no longer have either of them.

Looking forward to reports on how it shoots.  Sometime a CZ pistol needs a CGW barrel bushing to move it to the next level.  I've installed 2 or 3 of them in the last couple of years and they do improve a pistol that needs one.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline deadguy

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2019, 08:01:39 AM »
I just picked up a P-01 Omega, and I agree on the DA pull.  Unacceptable for me personally.  I did buy rhis model because of the SA option, and prefer that setup.  However, given that the DA optiin is still available with safety installed vs decocker, I want the DA pull to be as smooth and light as possible.  Having both options available means I should be happy with both.

I just ordered the reduced power spring and firing pin kit from CGW, in addition to a reduced power trigger return spring.  I'll eventually order the hammer with shorter hammer hooks and increased power sear spring to improve the SA pull.

Offline Arko

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2019, 10:39:42 AM »
I absolutely intend to fire it before going any further with mods. I think everything I just changed was geared towards ease of operation ( lightening pull and smoothing the pull, function is still pretty much factory.
  Believe me, I fully intended to carry condition 1, that's why I bought the Omega but when I installed the safeties the function was so weak there was no way I was trusting that on my hip. That little piece of plastic was not doing its job. I could barely feel it engage or disengage. I have another on the way from CZ to try and if that doesnt work I have read a thread here by a guy who made that little tab from brass and I'm going to try that, makes sense.
  I had that bushing in my cart but opted out because it may or may not benefit from one. I am betting I'll end up crowning the barrel, it looks pretty rough with a few burrs at the end of a couple of the grooves and yes, I have all of the proper tools for the job, no brass screws and valve grinding compounds. Working on revolvers sort of forces you to buy tools.
  What about Sears? The hooks on mine were also pretty ugly, just like the hammer. I can see alot of light reflecting off of surfaces that are supposed to have a sharp edge which means there is not a sharp edge but rather a rounded edge with enough surface to reflect light.
  Look, I know CZs dont cost $1k+ but at the same time we spend alot of time and money "improving" them so to me it's a wash as to worth and value. On the one hand they're affordable but I dont know how many people go crazy on a CZ (polishing, cleaning, changing parts) vs how many just buy them and shoot them in until they're smoothed out and shoot well. Maybe we are the minority. I know that our way forces us to learn and I dont think either camp is being shorted in the enjoyment department.

Offline Underwhere

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2019, 10:42:17 AM »
I absolutely intend to fire it before going any further with mods. I think everything I just changed was geared towards ease of operation ( lightening pull and smoothing the pull, function is still pretty much factory.
  Believe me, I fully intended to carry condition 1, that's why I bought the Omega but when I installed the safeties the function was so weak there was no way I was trusting that on my hip. That little piece of plastic was not doing its job. I could barely feel it engage or disengage. I have another on the way from CZ to try and if that doesnt work I have read a thread here by a guy who made that little tab from brass and I'm going to try that, makes sense.
  I had that bushing in my cart but opted out because it may or may not benefit from one. I am betting I'll end up crowning the barrel, it looks pretty rough with a few burrs at the end of a couple of the grooves and yes, I have all of the proper tools for the job, no brass screws and valve grinding compounds. Working on revolvers sort of forces you to buy tools.
  What about Sears? The hooks on mine were also pretty ugly, just like the hammer. I can see alot of light reflecting off of surfaces that are supposed to have a sharp edge which means there is not a sharp edge but rather a rounded edge with enough surface to reflect light.
  Look, I know CZs dont cost $1k+ but at the same time we spend alot of time and money "improving" them so to me it's a wash as to worth and value. On the one hand they're affordable but I dont know how many people go crazy on a CZ (polishing, cleaning, changing parts) vs how many just buy them and shoot them in until they're smoothed out and shoot well. Maybe we are the minority. I know that our way forces us to learn and I dont think either camp is being shorted in the enjoyment department.
I always give CGW a call and tell them my goals for the gun. Then they recommend which parts to put in it. They've never tried to oversell me on anything.

I would recommend that.

I have a few omegas. I always run race hammers, adjustable sears, etc. I do it all. I always do the 10x bushing. I also have crowned barrels. I prefer the look of a fresh crown.

I don't carry any Omegas though. I also prefer the traditional trigger to the Omega but it's personal preference.

Offline jurek

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2019, 02:28:05 PM »
Look, I know CZs dont cost $1k+ but at the same time we spend alot of time and money "improving" them so to me it's a wash as to worth and value. On the one hand they're affordable but I dont know how many people go crazy on a CZ (polishing, cleaning, changing parts) vs how many just buy them and shoot them in until they're smoothed out and shoot well. Maybe we are the minority. I know that our way forces us to learn and I dont think either camp is being shorted in the enjoyment department.

Remember - CZ is a Czech product. It doesn't cost a lot, quality control is not on highest level. However thanks to these it is a great platform for improvements made by third parties.
We love CZs because of that. If I would like to spend over $1K for a great pistol and DO NOTHING with it (just carry and shoot) I would go with SIG Legion. Working on CZ is like hobby. Some people like to spend half of their day with PC games, I love to spend some time working on my CZ  ::)

Doing good math we still can spend less that $1K for great CZ  ;D [P-01 Omega -> +/- $600 + CGW parts -> +/-$150 + LOK grips -> +/-$70 = +/-$820:)

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2019, 05:59:31 PM »
I don't remember, now, who posted it but there was thread here just a month of so back about modifications to the trigger bar on an Omega pistol (P07?, P09?) that really improved the DA trigger pull. 

Anyone else remember it, remember who posted it?
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Tok36

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2019, 07:12:08 PM »
I don't remember, now, who posted it but there was thread here just a month of so back about modifications to the trigger bar on an Omega pistol (P07?, P09?) that really improved the DA trigger pull. 

Anyone else remember it, remember who posted it?

As far as i am aware the 75 Omega Trigger bar is the same as a CZ P Series Trigger Bar. is this what you were thinking about?

How to Tune, Smooth and Upgrade the P-07/P-09

Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline Arko

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2019, 09:43:19 PM »
Jurek, I absolutely dont mind tuning and tinkering and working on any of my guns. In fact, if I cant work on a gun I probably wont own it or at least wont enjoy owning it as much. Just so nobody gets me wrong I'm in no way drowning CZs for their initial shortcomings, not at all. Yes, I was a bit surprised by the condition of some of its parts and the way they underperformed  but it's all good as long as they can be improved, preferably by myself. Granted there will be some aspects I wont undertake but not many.
  M1A4me, that is one of the main threads I used to do what I did. Fabulously detailed and easy to follow, and most importantly it worked like a charm. Better than I'd hoped for in fact.
  Even with their needy nature the egos of the frames are enough to make me fall in love with CZs, and I have. I've rarely held a pistol that so immediately made me say WOW the way this one did based solely on the way it felt in my hand, it just fits, perfectly. It it turns out to be 100% reliable then it will surely have to be my new favorite, until the next one anyway.

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2019, 07:10:39 AM »
Tok, I just looked through 2 pages of results from a "P07 trigger bar" search.  No luck.

But someone here, took some metal off a P07 trigger bar and really lightened/smoothed out the DA trigger pull.  I don't remember anyone jumping in to explain why it was "bad."  And I don't remember who did it/wrote it. 

I read those threads/posts and often don't really have a comment unless I have a different experience or feel the need to maybe do the same mod. and want some more info.  I don't shoot my P07/P09 guns DA so I don't worry about improving that trigger pull.  Even so, I saw a post on one of those thread about the majority of the P07 and P09 guns having an 11+ lb. DA trigger pull.  My P07 .40 and P09 9MM were both around 8.5 to 8.75 lbs. DA.  I don't remember what the P09 .40 was/is.  I just see "improved" trigger pulls (SA and DA) and grin because both of mine came out of the box with similar trigger pulls.

Anyway, maybe the person that wrote that post/thread will see this one and speak up.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

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Re: P-01 Omega...Gunsmithing? Maybe
« Reply #14 on: November 04, 2019, 09:02:05 AM »
[...] I was a bit surprised by the condition of some of its parts and the way they underperformed  but it's all good as long as they can be improved, preferably by myself. [...]
And that't probably the reason that we all love CZ  8)

First pistol I shot was SIG P210 and I loved this gun. I couldn't afford the same model, so I went with CZ (which had same concept of rail inside the frame). After few hours of "gunsmith" work my CZ was shooting like SIG P210  :)