No kidding. I was really excited about the EDC X9 when it was announced, but my interest in it died when I found that Wilson couldn't even bother to design a reversible mag catch. The fact that the DWX is actually lefty-friendly, and the fact that it's half the price of the Wilson is awesome - still a pretty expensive gun, but probably worth it.
I was looking for reversible mag release button for 1911, but all manufacturers dropped this idea few years ago.
Cabot Guns makes 1911 for lefties... but 45ACP only, 10 months waiting time and $5K
- end of the story....
Wilson Combat would be my choice, EDC X9 has perfect ergonomics and mag release button on regular side works quite good... but price is too high.
CZ75 Family seems to be natural path to have 100% left handed handgun which is close to 1911... and now DWX is the ideal option for me. And I'm willing to pay this price for it.