For data (plural of anecdote
), my P10F Suppressor came factory with the "bent" ejector. 550 rounds and ejection has never been an issue: the brass end up pretty much in the same place every shot. The rim of the top round touches the inside of the ejector.
If you look at the mold marks, I'm not sure this bend isn't intentional. I checked mine out when I first got it and I didn't see any stress marks or cracks at the bend. They may just have two different molds running or have a ton of stockpiled intermingled parts. I'm pretty sure CZ plays loosey-goosey with inventory control on revisions.
The replacement flat unit earlan357 got could have been rev1. Or rev2. ¯\_(?)_/¯
It's probably fine. I imagine earlan357 runs his gun harder than most of us and unless yours has broken off, I'd leave well enough alone. I definitely woudn't bend a "bent" one straight, no clue what the fatigue limit or hardness of the part is supposed to be. File off the bottom if you're really worried.