Author Topic: Striker Fire for CC  (Read 12469 times)

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Offline BStill

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Re: Striker Fire for CC
« Reply #75 on: February 25, 2020, 11:50:13 PM »
just curious if, in theory,  you can work on a Glock trigger, or any striker, in order to increase the pull weight?  What is so special about a 5 pound trigger pull?  why not 8-9 pounds?
I'm not sure if 5 is the magic number, but 4 - 5 pounds trigger pull makes all shots accurate (you don't need to fight with trigger, just pull and bum). 4 - 5 is still safe using proper holster and following all safety rules.
agree... but hypothetically.... "what if" someone had become familiar and comfortable with a heavier trigger pull because maybe they've carried a tuned up DAO snubbie revolver for a long time, but also likes the form factor of a Glock for ease of carry and shooting ergos.  Just asking if it's technically/mechanically possible to increase the weight at which the Glock trigger breaks?  or even increase the weight of the take-up to simulate a length of pull before the break?


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Then they should look at Kahr's offerings
I had been considering a Kahr (CM9) if I could find one with regular 3 dot sights, until I shot (and liked) a friend's G43 and then found a good deal on a used one. 

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Offline norcalAF

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Re: Striker Fire for CC
« Reply #76 on: February 26, 2020, 01:48:35 AM »
just curious if, in theory,  you can work on a Glock trigger, or any striker, in order to increase the pull weight?  What is so special about a 5 pound trigger pull?  why not 8-9 pounds?
I'm not sure if 5 is the magic number, but 4 - 5 pounds trigger pull makes all shots accurate (you don't need to fight with trigger, just pull and bum). 4 - 5 is still safe using proper holster and following all safety rules.
agree... but hypothetically.... "what if" someone had become familiar and comfortable with a heavier trigger pull because maybe they've carried a tuned up DAO snubbie revolver for a long time, but also likes the form factor of a Glock for ease of carry and shooting ergos.  Just asking if it's technically/mechanically possible to increase the weight at which the Glock trigger breaks?  or even increase the weight of the take-up to simulate a length of pull before the break?


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Then they should look at Kahr's offerings
I had been considering a Kahr (CM9) if I could find one with regular 3 dot sights, until I shot (and liked) a friend's G43 and then found a good deal on a used one. 

Sent from my LM-G710 using Tapatalk
I have several Glocks, and have owned a few Kahr's, an old K9 that I regretfully traded away, a PM9 that had trouble feeding hollowpoints reliably, and currently a MK40, which I thoroughly enjoy. Honestly I traded a G43 for it. The Kahr trigger is the most similar to a DA revolver, complete with long reset, but it is smooth and breaks very nicely.
At the end of the day, all that matters is carry what you are comfortable with and carry often.