The Kimber Pepper Blaster has a very good reputation. My mother was forced used one on a drunk and belligerent college student, it was very effective.
This is what I've understood for several years, and this is the product I suggested that all my nieces get and carry. This solution has several vital differences...
• This is
not projected by pressure inside a can. It is
not an aerosol spray. There is
no pressure to "loose" or "leak" over time.
The CS is propelled by the same primers found in a firearms cartridge. As such, it is: 1) always ready, and 2) the higher pressures involved allow the product to cover larger distances. So you can effectively use it from further away. You don't need to wait until the attacker is within your
personal space.
• The product comes out as a
gell, and so (unlike a gas or mist) it adheres to the skin and clothing of the attacker. Where upon the attacker's natural reaction is to wipe/rub the product, which usually smears the product over a greater area and
intensifies the results.
These are available on Amazon for $35, with the translucent palm-sized "derringer" housing available in light red or gray, in 3 different easy to grasp and conceal shapes. matter which product you choose, these "CS" type products have major advantages over firearms and edged weapons....
• They are purely
defensive weapons, therefore no license or training is required. They can generally be taken into attacker-rich, "gun-free" zones, like public transport, school zones, and college campuses.
• Because they are
not lethal weapons there is no need to allow a suspect to "get in close" and allow the attack to unfold. The defendant can literally "shoot first and ask questions later". If it's a case of mistaken identity, then the second party is completely unharmed and ready to "resume their life" in 20 minutes. This while the defendant has adequate time to make their escape to safety.
• Secondly, because they are
not lethal weapons the burden of proof is substantially lowered for the defendant. No LEO is going to charge a 120 lb woman if she says, "the 200 lb attacker approached in a suspicions and menacing way, and I feared for my personal safety." That's a "feeling" that cannot be quantified. What possible defense can be offered by a possible attacker when weight, height, or age
differences and advantages could/would be so plainly obvious. Compare that scenario to using a defensive handgun where an attacker's weapon has to be found, or a verbal threat and physical movement need to be witnessed by 3rd parties to uphold the
burden of proof requirement.