Yeah I had one and regret selling it, which I sold way below what they are asking just two years later. What I was getting at about the guy advertising that one as one of only 50, is falsely claiming something that he obviously doesn't know what he's talking about, to try and make more money from the sale. Picture of the one I had.
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Wow sound like you hating because you were a sucker that under sold yours. Same seller sold a less rare one for probably double what you sold yours for....LOL
I'm just saying maybe you don't know what your talking about.

Well I had one a 99041, and yes regret selling. Hater no. Only guns I buy now are cz's, so I guess you can call me a fan boy. You must be the seller on gunbroker spreading faleshoods about something you claim I don't know what I'm talking about. They have a batch come in every year. But you must be one of those that believe "if it's on the internet, it must be true". Nice if you to call me a loser when you don't know me, so I must gave sparked a nerve. The 99021 is actually more rare from my understanding. If you want to sell one for that much and have someone buy it, more power to you.
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