Looks we have two concurrent threads here

briang2ad's problem seems to be fixed (temporarily), I will follow
Bochim's question:
Good point. I just want to buy a an all metsl winter carry da sa and not have to spend another several hundred dollars to make the trigger somewhere near right, and that is before I put some decent sights on it. Perhaps that is not realistic these days. Guess I might just need to save a few more dollars. I am an older guy who will never carry a firearm without a safety or a decocker. My friends do, my sons do, I don't. Grew up with safety's on everything. Anyway, thanks for the reply.
PS-Local price (TN) is not what I consider low at $599. Should it cost less?
CZ P-01 Omega mostly costs $549.99 + shipping + FFL fees. If you are below $600 total - you are OK.
Regarding spending more money on it... If you are lucky, you don't need to add a penny. OK, perhaps you want better sights, but max you are gonna spend is $110 (TrueGlo). My cost was $35 for Meprolight Front sigh, I blackened rear dots and had perfect sights !
Even you would like to lighten DA trigger pull, parts cost is around $30...
Combining everything together you pay $600 + $110 + $30 = $740... or $600 + $35 + $30 = $665...
With more expensive option it is still much less than fe SIG P229 which I consider competitor for CZ P-01 Omega.
... and you have fun playing with your pistol changing its parts... it's good to perfectly know your tool !