I ended up ordering a stablemate for my SP-01 Shadow today thanks to some of the fine suggestions offered here. I have a new PCR coming in within the next week or so. I already have a small cc gun, the 365, and if I wanted a single stack it would be a Shield. I don't currently have a mid-sized compact so I was looking for something new in that category. Size comparisons on handgunhero.com between the PCR and other compacts such as the M&P 9c, SR9c, P320 XCompact, etc show that the CZ is similar in overall length and height and generally is only about 1.5 - 2 oz. heavier than many of the poly frames. I originally wanted the Sig XCompact but there are none currently available and I needed something to take away the Covid blues here in locked down Michigan so CZ it is! Local gun range just opened back up, too. Only thing I need is more ammo which I think I may have to order online.