What you need to be sure of, when carrying concealed, is not to telegraph to others that you're carrying.
Don't pat it with your hand, don't bump it with your elbow, don't check position and then reposition while walking around in a store or parking lot.
Make sure it's where you want it before you get out of the car/truck. If you think you need to check it/reposition in while in a store/restaurant - go to the men's room and enter a stall.
I'm right handed, when I sit in a restaurant we use a booth and I sit so my pistol is "inside" where people walking by or sitting across from us won't even see it or be able to pat it/reach for it.
It's one thing to work on using your carry side elbow/forearm to "feel" the grip/frame as you walk or casually move your arm, but don't stick your elbow up there and rub it around to get a good feel. And make the elbow/forearm feel during a direction change, or when you've been standing still and start moving. Not an every so often as you walk movement. If you occasionally do something with your elbow/arm do it as you do something different in moving/walking/standing/sitting.