OK, this project is back on. I have threaded barrel, soon to be fitted, then sent off to be reamed. The reamer has a great 2 barrel deal, only marginal to ream a second barrel and such. But I have a question for you guys.
Would there be any disadvantage over having the barrel for my old 75B reamed for 9maj, but still shooting 9minor (in limited, and plinking)? Most likely will be using the same 124PDs. Would the extra bit of "jump" when using factory/minor/standard COAL loads have any noticable affect? Ammo nerds want to know... I do.. know about bullet jump in rifles and such, those effects are basically nil here.
The czechmate and shadow 2 barrels are hardened according to them.
Also, re-reading this post makes has me hoping the ability to easily (or more easily) ream the chamber of a stock 01 will be an advantage of using the it as a build platform.