The first P07 I handled was a "Duty" at a LGS, but the asking price was higher than a new 2nd gen at that time, so We found a range 125 miles from us that had a P09 and P07 on it's rental roster, and took a day to try them out. I grouped better slightly better with the P09, but liked the balance point of the 07 more. I left that range feeling that someone designed the P07 just for my hand, LOL ! We also rented a HK P30L, but while it's a nice pistol, neither of us were overly impressed. The grips rattled, and the trigger was really rough.
I've got to admit I wasn't thrilled when I picked mine up at the FFL. The fit was right but the trigger was a bit disappointing. After 500 rounds It was better, but I decided to tear it down and do the polishing described in this forum. I may someday try to improve it, but it sure has turned out pretty nice. The Wife's green 07 is fine as is !
My brother in law is a devout Glock fan, but had to admit that our CZ's seem to be better built pistols. Our daughter insists her P229 Legion has a nicer trigger, and I agree; but for the price difference, it better !!! It's not as comfortable for me though.
Keep us posted ! Hope it turns out pleasantly !