Author Topic: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area  (Read 1740 times)

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Offline Casinostocks

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CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« on: March 11, 2020, 04:01:17 PM »
I am hoping that this topic is not against the rules (looking for a competent CZ compact model P-01 gun smithing in my locale) and if it is, my apologies in advance. I am a rookie on here so goes the rookie growing up pains with respect to the ins & outs of every individual forum!

Here is the other thread which I had made regarding P-01. I may want to try the CGW hammer & sear job but do not want to go back to the same smith:

Any help / lead would be greatly appreciated :)

P.S. I may want to do the same CGW upgrades to my RAMI 2075 (safety) which i will be picking up in a few more days.
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Offline jpeto

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2020, 05:14:52 PM »
Why not do it yourself? It looks a little intimidating at first but watch some YouTube videos and it’s really easy. Not sure what a gunsmith would charge but I know it’s more than doing it yourself and less satisfying. Plus you know it was done right!

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Offline Casinostocks

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2020, 05:38:20 PM »
jpeto, learning and doing things by oneself is definitely more satisfying and rewarding. I'd definitely luv to learn my weapon but wonder if I have the right initial tools.

BTW, is there or was there a CZ mechanism animation video with all the internals? I seem to recall having seen one but forgot where or how and my research-foo is coming up nada!

NVM, found it!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2020, 05:45:56 PM by Casinostocks »
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Offline KennyE

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2020, 06:11:06 PM »
Just did a quick search for CZ Gunsmiths San Diego CA. Surprisingly, quite a few came up. (It is Cali, after all  ::) ). One even has a comment about them installing CGW parts. Worth a shot, couple of phone calls or quick visits?

Offline Casinostocks

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2020, 06:17:26 PM »
Thanks KennyE but I should've qualified my OP further by also stating tried & tested CZ gunsmith in my locale :)

I followed the lead and found the one which David (CGW) apparently approves of. I am not afraid of giving it a go. Maybe I'll do that if I wanna get serious about this game, specially since I'm not typically afraid of jumping into the deep end. Thanks again.
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Offline KennyE

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2020, 06:23:21 PM »
Thanks KennyE but I should've qualified my OP further by also stating tried & tested CZ gunsmith in my locale :)

I followed the lead and found the one which David (CGW) apparently approves of. I am not afraid of giving it a go. Maybe I'll do that if I wanna get serious about this game, specially since I'm not typically afraid of jumping into the deep end. Thanks again.

Ya know, this stuff doesn't bother me much either. I come from repairing printing presses, to building computers, to doing all sorts of "jump in the deep end" jobs. Just get the right tools. And extra parts (springs mostly). <<-- thats from recent experience!  :-\ The one thing that does give me pause is tackling the sear cage on the decocker. The safety, no prob. But that decocker is a different beast. Scares me (well, sorta).

Offline Casinostocks

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2020, 06:46:53 PM »
Ya know, this stuff doesn't bother me much either. I come from repairing printing presses, to building computers, to doing all sorts of "jump in the deep end" jobs. Just get the right tools. And extra parts (springs mostly). <<-- thats from recent experience!  :-\ The one thing that does give me pause is tackling the sear cage on the decocker. The safety, no prob. But that decocker is a different beast. Scares me (well, sorta).

That's the thing Kenny! I am petrified that during the process, I may unravel that sear cage / decocker mechanism. I mean, how idiot-novice proof is it that such person does not inadvertently start messing around with it?
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Offline SEAKPhotog

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Re: CZ 75 gunsmithing sought in the San Diego area
« Reply #7 on: March 16, 2020, 05:01:44 PM »
That's the thing Kenny! I am petrified that during the process, I may unravel that sear cage / decocker mechanism. I mean, how idiot-novice proof is it that such person does not inadvertently start messing around with it?

I just stripped and polished and installed what amounted to a CGW pro package kit in my CZ97 BD, after sending my SP01 and PCR to CGW for them to work on because I too was intimidated by the prospect of the decocker sear cage, etc.  I decided it was time to learn how to do it myself however.  It was really very easy (and I'm not exactly a handy guy). There are a ton of great YouTube videos out there (the best one for sear cages is by this fourm's very own Earl An - I'll post a link below to that and others).  It was so easy I've taken apart the CZ97 2 more times to tweak things without resorting to tutorials or experiencing any anxiety :-)  Just this weekend I stripped my P01 so I can start polishing its internals in prep for a pro package install.  Once you get the hang of it it's really a fun/enjoyable experience with only a bit of frustration and head scratching/problem solving along the way.  Just need some patience and basic tools (punches, hammer, needle nose pliers, tweezers, etc.).  And really, if you break anything you can always get a replacement part from CGW or CZ Custom or Numirch's.  And the folks at CGW are very helpful via email if you run into any issues. One great tip I don't have a link handy for is to use a needle nose pliers to re-insert the trigger return spring while working in the trigger pin (instead of using a slave pin - its very easy and fast).  Oh, tip #2 get some micro mesh sanding and polishing pads and boards from Amazon.  They're great!  And check out the smoothing the action thread on the gunsmithing forums here.

Earl An's sear cage video:

Apex trigger CZ75 videos (not just for trigger but good info on stripping and assembling lower and upper):

Work the Trigger has some good vids on the process:

Abyss1232 also has great vids - here's the first of a series:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 05:08:07 PM by SEAKPhotog »