I've searched all over the Internet looking for a VG condition CZ 82 or 83 in 9x18. And I've found a few. But I just can't see paying $400 - $500, and even more for one.
I've seen some real dogs for under $300, but they have had flaking finishes, gouges, scratches, broken grips, no mag(s) and so on.
I have a single rule for buying firearms. I won't pay a price for a gun that would make me feel stupid paying it. And I'd feel like an idiot paying $500 for a CZ 82/83.
I can't put up a "Want to Buy" post in the classifieds because I don't have the requisite 25 posts to do it. And I'm not going to waste a lot of bandwidth here posting a bunch of nonsense stuff to get to 25 posts.
Do any of you folks know a good source for a VG condition, reasonably priced CZ 82/83?
If so, please message me where to go so I can buy one.