Author Topic: Jack of all trades rifle?  (Read 5670 times)

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Offline Lord_Balkan

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Jack of all trades rifle?
« on: March 26, 2020, 10:57:16 AM »
Hey, I am trying to brainstorm a jack of all trades rifle. I only have a 22lr bolt action, and I'd like something decently powerful that can fill multiple roles like self defense, home defense, trunk gun, basic hunting, etc.

What I was thinking was a 10.5" AR pistol in .300 blackout. The benefit of that is I can use my conceal carry license with it and keep it in my car. I heard about reliability issues with 223 out of a short barrel like that. What do you guys think?

Ron M.

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2020, 11:11:09 AM »
It will work well for all of those rolls except maybe hunting. 300Blk with supersonic loads is OK on deer size game out to 100 yards or so from a 16 inch barrel. I'm not sure you could count on bullet performance past 50 yards with a shorter barrel. 

Offline AZ_CZ

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2020, 11:57:03 AM »
You ask about RIFLE then go pistol. So what is it? Any do-it-all gun is a mix of compromises so nothing will be the best.  I run a 10.5” 5.56 barrel and have  no issues after thousands of rounds. I have a 16” 300 blackout that I still need to sort out, but dang it’s an accurate single shot!

You could consider having your 300 pistol, adding a 6.5 upper for hunting and a 22lr upper for plinking. Not exactly one gun but it covers all the bases.
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Offline timmy75

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2020, 12:05:01 PM »
AK-47 semi auto, folding stock?

Offline Lord_Balkan

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2020, 12:23:51 PM »
You ask about RIFLE then go pistol. So what is it? Any do-it-all gun is a mix of compromises so nothing will be the best.  I run a 10.5” 5.56 barrel and have  no issues after thousands of rounds. I have a 16” 300 blackout that I still need to sort out, but dang it’s an accurate single shot!

You could consider having your 300 pistol, adding a 6.5 upper for hunting and a 22lr upper for plinking. Not exactly one gun but it covers all the bases.

Legally its a pistol but functionally its a short barrel rifle. I am just looking for advice, thoughts, and suggestions. Maybe an AR pistol is not the best at what I'm looking for, but that's why I'm asking.

Offline Abe

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2020, 12:59:03 PM »
For me, you just described my 527 carbine in 7.62x39.  I like it better than my Ruger Gunsite Scout in .308 and I don’t foresee the gun grabbers in my state trying to take it away in the near future - they are currently focused on ARs and the like.
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Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2020, 01:50:06 PM »
Tiny?  AR15 pistol with a 10.5" barrel in .223/5.56X45.  It's more effective than a pistol at any range.  Ammo is easier to get than .300 BO.

Small red dot sight.

.223 will kill deer/coyotes/foxes, etc.

I have one in 10.5" and one in 8.5" and neither have ever malfunctioned with standard .223 type ammo (55 grain FMJ - not legal to deer hunt with).

Fits behind a seat, carries light/easy.  No less accurate than a rifle (barrel length doesn't make it more/less accurate as a system) with the right ammo and a shooter that knows how to shoot.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline BStill

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2020, 03:42:20 PM »
I have this same question lately.   Good thread.  I'm leaning toward 7.62x39, but I haven't had the opportunity to shoot 300 BO yet.

interesting comment above about a shorter-barrel 300 BO for hunting.  My neighbor hunts, typically 100 yds and in, and that's what he's considering going to. 

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2020, 04:03:29 PM »
Hey, I am trying to brainstorm a jack of all trades rifle. I only have a 22lr bolt action, and I'd like something decently powerful that can fill multiple roles like self defense, home defense, trunk gun, basic hunting, etc.

What I was thinking was a 10.5" AR pistol in .300 blackout. The benefit of that is I can use my conceal carry license with it and keep it in my car. I heard about reliability issues with 223 out of a short barrel like that. What do you guys think?

For me- it would be my Ruger mini 30

That said, my do everything rifle (less zombie apocalypse) is my Win 70 in 270.
Like a midget at a urinal, I'll have to keep on my toes

Offline Claymore504

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2020, 04:51:42 PM »
AR would be my first choice. 5.56 will do it all mostly. My Socom16 is prety handy though as well. I would think and AK or SKS would be a great choice as well.

Offline bang bang

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2020, 05:17:39 PM »
Hey, I am trying to brainstorm a jack of all trades rifle. I only have a 22lr bolt action, and I'd like something decently powerful that can fill multiple roles like self defense, home defense, trunk gun, basic hunting, etc.

What I was thinking was a 10.5" AR pistol in .300 blackout. The benefit of that is I can use my conceal carry license with it and keep it in my car. I heard about reliability issues with 223 out of a short barrel like that. What do you guys think?

someone made a post years ago, that the only thing a handgun is good for to keep they persons head down while they reach for their rifle.

what did "Matthew Quigley" say about handguns and rifles......

before your dreams get out of control, you may want to look at the cost of your 300 BO ammo.  Then see what your wallet and bank account says about that dream.

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2020, 07:03:29 PM »
Hey, I am trying to brainstorm a jack of all trades rifle. I only have a 22lr bolt action, and I'd like something decently powerful that can fill multiple roles like self defense, home defense, trunk gun, basic hunting, etc.

What I was thinking was a 10.5" AR pistol in .300 blackout. The benefit of that is I can use my conceal carry license with it and keep it in my car. I heard about reliability issues with 223 out of a short barrel like that.
 What do you guys think?
Can't imagine where you heard that rumor from.
Somebody must have bought a real crappy short barrel AR pistol from somewhere. I've got an aero precision 5.56 ...10 .5 " problems whatsoever.
I think you better do more research.
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Offline BStill

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2020, 10:47:02 PM »
1.  which one is a louder report / more flash out of a pistol (10.5") barrel?
- 300 BO (supersonic)
- 5.56/.223
- 7.62x39

2.  which one is a more effective hunting round (medium deer) out to 100 yds and less? (at same barrel length)
- 300 BO (supersonic)
- 7.62x39
(I know,  "30-30".  but that's not my question....)

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Offline larry8061

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2020, 10:53:58 PM »
The first question HAS to be what do you want to use the gun for? Do some research RIGHT now and see what is even available.  Fenix Ammo is quoting .223 at 4-6 weeks.  Going with anything other than .223 is asking for supply chain problems. If you can't get a hold of the gun or you can't get ammo you might as well hold out for a howitzer.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Jack of all trades rifle?
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2020, 05:33:00 AM »
10.5" AR15, .223, with a "flash can" instead of a flash suppressor.  That directs the flash/sound/concussion forward of the shooter instead of sideways around the flash suppressor/muzzle break.

I don't have a .300 BO pistol.  I do have .300 BO carbine.  For the cost of the heavy match bullets (I reload) I can buy 4 times as many 55 grain bullets for the .223 vs. the 220 grain HPBT in .30 caliber.

I've never shot a 220 grain bullet out of the .300 BO carbine.  I've shot 150 grain FMJBT and soft point boat tails and the darn thing kicks more than my GII .308 with the same bullets moving a lot faster.  It's got an H2 buffer in it and still kicks harder than anything but the M1A or M1 Garand.  The BO even has a carbine length gas system, not a pistol length gas system, so port pressure will be lower on the carbine than on the pistols - and it still kicks hard.  Even with the faster burning powders used in the BO, the recoil is uncomfortable.  I'd rather shoot the M1A or the M1 Garand.

As they say, your mileage may vary. 

My youngest son has a .300 BO pistol (AR type).  His only comment after shooting it to get it sighted in was, "Little sucker kicks pretty good."  He hasn't mentioned taking it shooting since.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?