Thanks everyone! I found out what I wanted, and plan to pick up the gun sometime this weekend. I may have to wait to try it out due to the current situation, but other than that I'm looking forward to it.
For anyone else reading along, and as best as I put the story together after a couple phone calls...
The original owner already has an older CZ P-01 that he likes and shoots regularly (the gun I tried a couple years ago). He bought the P-01 Omega on a whim when it became available at his local store at a discount. After a while he decided that the Omega trigger had no advantage (for him) over what he already had, that it was overhyped (his words), is not a fan of the forward facing decocker and prefers the older design, not planning to swap in a conventional safety, etc. He sold it to the second owner with only a few hundred rounds fired for less than he paid.
I don't think any of that is a big factor for me, and I probably wont have much of an opinion about the differences between one and the other.
The second owner did not like the recoil spring or the slide in general, did not want to spend money to make any changes, has other 9mm autos, and basically lost interest. He also had a couple failures to eject while shooting reloads that work in his other guns (something I am not planning on), but does not think that means there is anything wrong. Basically does not think he would use it much, and likes his other 9mm better. He prefers to have the money to having a gun he would not be using much. He kept everything it came with including the plastic case, lock, and documentation, so I am getting what the gun came with.
For what it is worth, the original owner did tell me that he thinks the P-07 is a better overall choice for someone new to CZ compacts, but that the differences are overblown in online reviews. I tend to trust his judgement because of decades of experience - but then again nobody is offering me an almost new one of those at a similar discount. I got a lot of other information from him, so that helps too.
Again, thanks for the help -