Author Topic: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?  (Read 5993 times)

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Offline Dynowhite

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Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« on: April 25, 2020, 06:45:46 PM »
I have decided to purchase a P-01 fully cajunized from CGW. It will be a range toy, trainer and carry gun. I understand the internals are different, which leads me to some questions...

Is either model superior? I am a trigger snob and want the absolute smoothest, most crisp trigger I can get which is what lead me to CGW. Do the internals of one make for better DA or SA? Any reliability issues or known long term parts breakages with either of the two?

I have read quite a bit online saying the Omega doesn't quite reach  the standard from the factory but I haven't found much from post-cajun work guys.

I'm leaning P-01 standard at the moment but just want to be sure I'm not missing anything. Thanks for clicking

Offline Tok36

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2020, 09:14:36 PM »
   I believe that this subject comes down to a matter of opinion. In my opinion the classic trigger system has the advantage.  Unless you require the ability to swap from decocker to safety set up or you require ambi controls in a form factor that the classic trigger system dose not offer i do not see any advantage in the Omega trigger system. The poly framed CZ P-series pistols that also use the Omega system make more sense to me in that other than the CZ Phantom there are no poly framed hammer fired CZ pistols with the classic trigger system.
   I prefer the Trigger Bar, Disconector and safety lever design of the classic trigger system. I feel that the single sided Trigger Bar in the Omega system is a weaker design for obtaining a smooth consistent DA pull. The Omega disconector allows for less tuning options currently than the classic due to lack of available parts. The Omega safety lever detent design is prone to more issues than the classic from what i have seen.
  The Omegas are surely fine pistols and there are many Omega owners that are quite happy with them. They may even have some advantages in factory stock configuration. I do not leave my CZs in stock config, it is too fun to tinker with them so the potential factory advantage is lost on me. Keep in mind that both systems can vary significantly from the factory. One guy might get a bad one out of the box and the next an especially good one. Though CZ has made some improvements to reduce this variance i believe that it is still a factor for pistols out of the box.

  As far as long term parts breakages, i believe that both systems share the parts that are most likely to break and require replacement. The Omegas and the Classics both use the same Trigger Return Spring and Firing Pin Block Retaining Pin design. Replacement parts included in the full CGW package improve both of these parts.

   If they are both coming out of CGW the potential differences are likely to be less apparent. They have a knack for getting the best out of both types of trigger system. The only way to be absolutely sure is to buy one of each, i would buy the classic P-01 first though.  :)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 12:08:45 PM by Tok36 »
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline Evil_Ed

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2020, 11:16:01 AM »
I've had both...from an end user standpoint, the Omega is a lot easier to upgrade yourself. Less parts, easier to disassemble and reassemble, limited number of things that can fly out and get lost, etc. I've installed their full pro kit in a bunch of P07s and a P01, all of them came out great.

Currently I have a standard P01 that I'll probably either upgrade myself or send to Cajun for a workup. It's a bit more complicated and takes a bit more practice to disassemble and reassemble. There's a small spring that's really easy to lose or damage when disassembling/reassembling, which can complicate things as the gun is essentially down until that spring is replaced. There's more parts involved that could use some touching/tuning if you decide to go that route yourself. Having said that, the standard innards are well understood, have been in production since the 70s, and are basically bulletproof. Any issues are well known and documented, and it's a very reliable system.

I initially liked the Omega setup because it let me switch between safety and decocker carry. As time went on I found I didn't like the safety on the P07s (too small to reliably hit on the draw), and while the P01's safety was nicer...I found that I preferred to carry decocked anyway. So the ability to swap between safety/decocker was kind of not needed. But, the decocker on the Omega series guns is kind of fragile. I've broken one. There's a little nub on them that's pressed and glued on, and I've had that break off. It happened to me on a gun with less than 500 rounds through it, though I did do maybe 2k dry fire and decock/reload reps on it, maybe more. That makes me a little less sanguine on the Omega setup, tbh.

So if you're going to go for a decocker only setup anyway...there's no real downside to the standard P01, especially if you're buying it already worked up by CGW. If you're not sure you're going to ever want a decocker gun and prefer a thumb safety, I really like the one on the P01 Omega to be honest. The factory thumb safety on the safety P01s leaves some to be desired IMO; too slick for me. They can be replaced with larger versions, but they need to be fitted.

Really, it depends on what your end goal is, I guess. For the most part, there's little reason to switch from decocker to thumb safety or vice versa, barring some real specific circumstances (finger/hand injury that prevents the full range of motion needed for a DA pull, or a severe case of arthritis, things like that).

Offline Tanners Owner

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2020, 11:17:59 AM »
I have both an Omega and a PCR cajunized. Both are spectacular guns that I’ve used successfully in IDPA matches. Smooth, light triggers, great ergos- everything that makes a CGW enhanced CZ great.

That said, of the two, I slightly prefer the Omega, .... slightly. I got the Omega first, and think part of it may be my muscle memory and my preference for the Omega trigger shape- it simply suits my hand shape better. Again, slightly better...

Both guns can serve you well, and neither is fundamentally better that the other IMHO. It all comes down to preferences.

Good luck & keep us updated with which direction you go
Like a midget at a urinal, I'll have to keep on my toes

Offline Dynowhite

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2020, 02:41:53 PM »
Thank you for your responses guys. I think I'll start classic and eventually get an Omega.

Offline em44052

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2020, 09:56:22 AM »
@dynowhite, I think that is a great call.

Offline J Lee

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2020, 06:48:19 PM »
I have a P-01 75 trigger and a 75B 40 that have the Pro Pkg installed by CGW.  My 75B Omega is there now.  While I expect the Omega to exceed my expectations when I get it back, hard for me to believe it could match the 2 aforementioned CZs because they are awesome.

Update: Got the call that my 75 Omega was complete.  David said even he was a little surprised with how well it turned out.  The numbers he gave me have me very excited to get this handgun back and to the range. FedEx delivering tomorrow.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 11:08:02 PM by J Lee »

Offline J Lee

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2020, 11:00:21 PM »
Update: Got the call that my 75 Omega was complete.  David said even he was a little surprised with how well it turned out.  The SA/DA pull result numbers he gave me have me very excited to get this handgun back and to the range. FedEx delivering tomorrow.

If it's as good as I think it will be,  may have just turned me in to The Omega Man(Charlton Heston reference for you younger guys).
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 11:10:09 PM by J Lee »

Offline Dynowhite

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2020, 10:38:27 PM »
Update: Got the call that my 75 Omega was complete.  David said even he was a little surprised with how well it turned out.  The SA/DA pull result numbers he gave me have me very excited to get this handgun back and to the range. FedEx delivering tomorrow.

If it's as good as I think it will be,  may have just turned me in to The Omega Man(Charlton Heston reference for you younger guys).
Well did you make it to the range this weekend?

Offline J Lee

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2020, 05:45:08 PM »
Update: Got the call that my 75 Omega was complete.  David said even he was a little surprised with how well it turned out.  The SA/DA pull result numbers he gave me have me very excited to get this handgun back and to the range. FedEx delivering tomorrow.

If it's as good as I think it will be,  may have just turned me in to The Omega Man(Charlton Heston reference for you younger guys).
Well did you make it to the range this weekend?

Did not.  Hoping for one day this week.

Offline Gagepapa

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2020, 11:05:59 AM »
Made the range this past weekend for the first time with my CGW Omega. My favorite gun to shoot now!

Offline Arko

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2020, 08:12:40 AM »
I'll throw in my $.02. I own only an Omega, a P01, fully Cajunized and I love that gun. For a small-ish 9mm it is as about as easy to shoot as a pistol should be. I have been a reloading machine during my Corona action and took the little jewel to the range two weekends ago and fired over 700 rounds of 124gr reloads (124gr FMJ over 5.6gr of VVN340+ CCI SPP) through it and had 0, ZERO, malfunctions. Actually. I've never had a malfunction with it and I now have put almost 3k through it. And its soooooo smooth. I did the install myself of all the CGW parts and maybe I got lucky or their parts are just such high quality that they can turn an idiot like me into a master gunsmith, I dont know, leaning towards the latter.
      But to your question, I can't compare yet, I've only just ordered my PCR, which I'll Cajunize as well, and I'll report back then. What I'm saying though is that I believe you will have to do like me and get one of each and see for yourself, it's just too subjective to ask others, as you van probably see by the answers, some do, some dont, some will, some wont. All I can say is the trigger in my Omega leaves very little to nothing to be desired. Now that's a general characterization because you cant really compare them, or the non-Omega to something like a 1911 or an old S&W with 10k rounds through it, but in general, it, the Omega I HAVE, is and outstanding trigger.

Offline Butters

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Re: Cajunized P-01 or P-01 Omega?
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2021, 01:11:15 AM »
For those who installed the pro kit in the p01 omega did you polish the decocker lever shelf, sear side where disco rides and the trigger bar? Also how hard was it to get the pin out of the hammer to remove from the strut?
I’ve installed a partial kit on my p07 but with the omega pro kit I won’t have to polish as many parts. Just making sure if I should polish the trigger bar end on the back, inside that faces the frame and need to get a file to slightly polish the decocker shelf, and sear side. I’ll be picking up my 2021 used omega on Black Friday bc I get 20% off and will also order the pro kit from Cajun on Black Friday to take advantage of their sale they usually have.
Any tips or help would be appreciated, I did my p07 in various stages and want to knock this out in one round this go around.
Butters 🧈