Hi Guys it has been a while since I have started a thread.
The last one grew quite nicely in the C100 smoothing the action thread.
So I decided I regretted selling my CZ75 SA in 9mm, and prior to that the SA in .40.
So I decided I wanted another one.
However I know that the firing pin block limits the pretravel screw so I found a barely used CZ75 shadow on Gunbroker.
I got the win on it and the rest is glorious history. And I mean BARELY USED I would be surprised if this had more than 1 box of ammo thru it. As I tore it apart,
it found ZERO scratches or tool marks anywhere from tear down. Basically a new gun Yay to me!

So this will not be a build thread like the C100 thread as in my mind the gun is almost complete the way I bought it.
I like the lines of the SA with the full length rails instead of the tapered nose. My taste and I know others will disagree.
I wanted to buy a gun that never came with a firing pin block so I can honestly say that a safety feature as designed by the manufacturer had not been removed.
Legaleze for you are screwed!
So I tore it down as soon as I got it and cleaned the gun (still had the factory Cosmolean in it), I ordered a SAO flat blade trigger, lighter trigger return spring, floating trigger pin, and polished the trigger group in my usual fashion along with removing the disconnect for SAO function.
When in doubt polish it.
I installed the new trigger reassembled, set my pretravel and overtravel, and off to the range we went.
All I can say is WOW! it is everybit as nice as my 97BE that I had Schmeky build for me, the only exception is I may put a stiffer hammer spring in as the Shadow breaks at 2lbs 8 oz. and the
97 breaks at 3 lbs even, however has more of a "glass break" feel due to the slightly greater weight before breaking.
I manage to match exactly the pretravel and overtravel and the weight of the takeup.
These are all small details that take some tweeking and lots of polishing of components to lower the resistance of that short trigger travel.
I left the stock Shadow hammer which is quite good, maybe a hair less so than the CGW or CZC hammers. MAYBE, MAYBE NOT.

How did she shoot?
Very Very nice. tiny groups with dead consistency.
What now?
I am different from most of you I am not a big fan of the aluminum grips so I ordered a set of factory grips and the 10X bushing from CGW.
Once the order came in I quickly was in the garage for more smithing work.
This is the first 10x bushing for me so that was new.
No big deal, a short time later we were ready for another range trip.
So what did I wind up with?
Well short of an adjustable rear sight (next on the to do list) I have basically converted the base Shadow 75 to a Bullseye shadow.
10 yards hand held.

Absolute consistency!