I thought about writing the following lines for a long time, but have now come to the conclusion to do it.
"Other countries, other manners ..."
1) In Europe it is forbidden to hunt wild boars with . 22magnum or . 22lr.
2) Every European hunter, I repeat it, everyone would turn away with horror from a hunt in which a boar was shot with numerous caliber . 22 rounds. 
People may criticize me for these lines now, but as a European hunter who has been hunting for 45 years and has shot more than 200 wild boars, I had to write that here now.
I just want to clarify that my thoughts on using the rimfire cartridge were limited to some piglets that I have seen recently, maybe ten to fifteen pounds at most (if I get to hunt in the next few days). I wouldnt try and take down a full sized boar with such a round- though I know some guys who have taken them with 22 mag, 17 mag, etc.
I have always been a fan of being perhaps a tad over-gunned than under-gunned. My recent love of hunting pigs with a 7.62x39 is about as light as I have ever gone....but if they are quartering away and I can place the shot behind the ear I have total confidence in dropping them DRT (with the 7.62x39, as I said before I havent shot one with .22 mag yet). Otherwise I wont shoot.
Youre right, different countries, different manners. Personally I was appalled several years back about a polar bear taken with several shots of .223. But, thats just my take on it and not everyone would feel that way, so (shrug?)