I use the homeade lanolion with Red heet alcholol.
I use a big ziplock bag to throw about 3 or 4 good handfulls (~150) in and shake/settle them down on a hard surface so that some of them end up neck up. Then a good test mist against the inside edge of the bag (sometimes it streams at first = no good. Also shake the bottle before spraying). Then a good 3 or four sweeping sprays inside the bag to get the inside of the necks. If you don't get the inside of the necks the expander will drag more on the upstroke and it just sucks. you could also dry lube the necks, I've never tried that. Zip it up and shake well for 20 secs, then dump in a cardboard box and load in 3 mins.
Just be aware that if you put it ON, you will have to get it OFF, most likely. I finish/dry tumbe in walnut to take the lube off. you can wipe off too. you can shoot with it on, but there is a noticible difference and seemed to gum up the action a bit more and attract burnt powder so I now cut it off all rounds.
I'm not saying this is the best route, but It seems to work for me. My biggest concern was contaminating the powder when spraying the necks, but as long as you don't super soaker the things, Ive never had a problem. I do rifle and pistol all the same. Ive reloaded about 5k rounds using this method and no issues related to contamination.