Author Topic: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?  (Read 4698 times)

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Offline Laufer

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Not interested in shipping the gun to anybody, such as Cajun etc. It's not that important as I also have two other carry guns.

One time I disassembled all internal parts in the frame of my Sig P6.
If the PCR is more of a challenge, or a more extensive process (I've read 'stories' about the old CZ-82's/83's huge number of frame components), I'll leave it as is.

Something which is easily followed on a Youtube video (as with the "Sig P6..." by Wild Card Armory), involving just a Few components, not hard to reassemble, would be acceptable.

Possibly an improved trigger bar or such is avail and not too complex to install?

Offline Tok36

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2020, 03:16:24 AM »
While very doable any CZ75 variant decocker can be a challenge. I suggest checking out one of the CZ decocker guides. This should make clear what is involved in removing the Trigger Bar from a decocker.

Smoothing the Action (forum guide)

Disassembly and polishing CZ SP01 Tactical or phantom / cz 75BD / P01 *PIC HEAVY*(forum guide)

BEST SP-01 Tactical CGW Modifications Tutorial Videos;topicseen

CZ Decocker Sear Cage Assembly - SP-01 Tac Carry Optics Video
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)


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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2020, 05:26:24 AM »
The most simple way to lower the pull is with a CGW 3 spring kit which give you a lighter hammer spring, firing pin block spring and firing pin spring. Pretty easy to install. If the pull is just heavy this will help. If it is gritty and stagey then polishing work and maybe a few other things may be needed. That would require pulling the gun down completely. If you've never been into a CZ decocker the first time or two can be challenging especially for those who are not overly mechanically inclined. There are some good vids out there on the subject.

Offline M1A4ME

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2020, 06:45:16 AM »
Some people here suggest shooting 500 to 600 rounds through it and that will do a lot towards smoothing it out.  Just wearing off the factory/rough surfaces some by firing it.
I just keep wasting time and money on other brands trying to find/make one shoot like my P07 and P09.  What is wrong with me?

Offline Laufer

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2020, 02:28:58 PM »
The PCR has seen about 800 (+) rds.

Dry-firing 'practice' has seldom been done with any of my guns. Will also look to see whether a couple drops of lube can be applied somewhere on the Trigger Bar, with a Q-tip

Thanks very much for the info.

Offline CZ97B

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2020, 05:36:38 PM »
The most simple way to lower the pull is with a CGW 3 spring kit which give you a lighter hammer spring, firing pin block spring and firing pin spring. Pretty easy to install. If the pull is just heavy this will help. If it is gritty and stagey then polishing work and maybe a few other things may be needed. That would require pulling the gun down completely. If you've never been into a CZ decocker the first time or two can be challenging especially for those who are not overly mechanically inclined. There are some good vids out there on the subject.


Offline CZ97B

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2020, 05:39:56 PM »
Some people here suggest shooting 500 to 600 rounds through it and that will do a lot towards smoothing it out.  Just wearing off the factory/rough surfaces some by firing it.

That's good advice but I put 700+ rounds through my P-01 and it didn't really help. I don't know why. I polished the internals and installed a Cajun Short Reset kit. Those things made a big difference. I wasn't willing to wait until I'd put, I dunno, maybe 3 or 4 thousand rounds through it to make it more comfortable to shoot.

Offline SEAKPhotog

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2020, 01:15:26 PM »
Taking down and polishing a decocker CZ75 isn't that daunting with all the good videos out there.  Spending a few hours polishing everything and replacing some springs reaps huge rewards in smoothness and trigger pull weight.  It's also nice to learn the internals of the gun and to be able to thoroughly strip and clean it when necessary without any stress.  I'm not exactly handy but I've done polish and CGW pro kit jobs on my CZ97 BD, P01 decocker, P01 safety (just polished so far).  I've taken down and put the 97 and P01 decocker a few times. It's now routine and painless.  I don't know if this video has already been linked but it's by this forum's very own Earl An and is the best one I've found showing how to deal with the decocker sear assembly.

Also check out Apex's and MCARBO's CZ videos. There's also a video out there showing how to use needle nose pliers to replace the trigger spring instead of the slave pin method.  I find the pliers method far easier and quicker.

Good luck and have fun! And hey, it's good to remember that if you really screw something up, CGW are very responsive to answering questions via phone and email (I know this from personal experience working on my CZ97 for the first time - the trigger bar springs got out of whack and impacted the trigger's reset - I contacted CGW thinking I had somehow terribly screwed something up and they sent an explanation PDF with pix on how to easily fix the problem the same day) and there are replacement parts available for everything and none of the parts that might get damaged are particularly expensive.

Offline Rmach

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2020, 04:21:25 PM »
I'll second the needle nose pliers for the trigger spring, so much easier IMO.

Offline briang2ad

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2020, 01:00:56 PM »
Some people here suggest shooting 500 to 600 rounds through it and that will do a lot towards smoothing it out.  Just wearing off the factory/rough surfaces some by firing it.

That's good advice but I put 700+ rounds through my P-01 and it didn't really help. I don't know why. I polished the internals and installed a Cajun Short Reset kit. Those things made a big difference. I wasn't willing to wait until I'd put, I dunno, maybe 3 or 4 thousand rounds through it to make it more comfortable to shoot.

This is usually the case.  CZs these days seem to com super gritty. The 75 series action though seems to stack less.  Unless you tear down and polish well, it’s hard to get a smooth trigger pull.  75 series is a challenge because the sear cage with decocker is a bit of a bear especially reassembly.

Offline Chuck James

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #10 on: June 06, 2020, 11:26:08 AM »
Just for the record... a decocker sear cage isn't difficult to work on.  8)

Offline Metallicat

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2020, 05:12:56 PM »
Dry fire it 1000-2000 times.  I did this 200 times per day, splitting time between my dominant and non-dominant hand because the trigger pull was so hard.  Don't rely upon range time / rounds fired as you are always firing in SA unless you're decocking after every round.  Install the CGW lite spring kit.  My trigger now is acceptably good, lite in DA mode.  But since I never shoot it in DA mode (at the range), does a smooth DA pull even matter?
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 09:31:20 AM by Metallicat »

Offline briang2ad

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2020, 12:22:27 PM »
In short... no. 

While the sear cage itself is pretty simple to deal with, getting it in and out of the gun can be a problem.  I helped a friend do it and while we got it out without an issue and worked on it without an issue, getting it back in was problematic. He ended up taking it to a gunsmith. I think if I stuck with it I could’ve succeeded. I have worked on many many many CZs. 

In my experience over many cc, I have found that live fire helps you smooth out the action and dry fire does not do much.   This basically means that it takes about 1000 to 2000 around to make much of a difference in a gritty gun.  Smoothing the action by disassembly and polishing along with live fire will nicely break in any CZ.  While the omega action can come with real stacking problems, it is so much easier to work on that I prefer it over the 75DeCocker system. Besides, I do not like the position of the 75DeCocker.  So I am biased.

Offline mkd

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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2020, 02:15:35 PM »
laufer! i have owned a p-01 for 9 years and first thing as a newby to cz pistols i took it apart and polished it and put in basically a pro pkg without the reach reduction kit and an extended firing pin. yes the decocker can be a pita but  with some patience and a few video tutorials you can do it. my second cz i just bought a month ago! this time a sp-01 safety model. simpler sear to do than a decocker because of less parts and does not nead a slave pin to put back together and insert back into the frame. after 9 yrs i took on the task of again opening up a brand new cz and polishing it and adding the complete pro pkg this time. i was rusty but with the bit i remembered and the help of the links on this forum and utube i made it in a weekend .  my advice is to utube the pro package install, watch a few videos, look over a few threads , and then decide if you think you can do the work. materials you can use sand paper in a few grits, a dremel with buffing bits and polish, a few punches,  a small hammer and a block of wood with a hole drilled in it . my p-01 is under 3 lbs single and under 8 lbs double. the sp-01 i just did that is unfired is 3 lbs 6 oz single ,and 7 lbs 8 oz. double. started out 5 lbs 6 oz and 10 lbs 11 oz. you can do it if you take your time,take lots of pics for reference. the p-01 i did almost entirely by reading and looking at Walt-Sherrilll's tutorial here, and the sp-01 was also a link i found here on the forums by Scarlett Pistol. his videos broke each section down and i just found the section i was working on and followed along by stopping and starting as needed. not the same pistol as yours but lots of info apply from one to the other model.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 02:33:12 PM by mkd »


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Re: Is there a fairly simple method to smooth the DA pull on my PCR?
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2020, 06:32:23 AM »
Just for the record... a decocker sear cage isn't difficult to work on.  8)

No they are not at all difficult to operate on. Having the right tools for the job along with the right mindset and they are actually pretty simple. I think nothing of working on my decockers these days.