I started out washing brass with primers in in Dawn and RealLemon, then tried adding phosphoric acid. Don't do that. I was getting some separation of the alloy indicated with shiny silver spots on the cases. I still used them, but quit the acid.

Bought a FA vibrator kit with corn cob included. Noisy, dusty and takes hours to finish. It included the salad spinner to separate the brass and media. Media can stick in the primer pockets and I also tumbled some finished 38 Special rounds that were loaded with semi jacketed HP...had media stuck in the HP. Now you can add NuFinish, a capful to a load of polish to the new media and tumble it in for 10-15 minutes. Also taking a used dryer sheet, cut in strips and added to the media while tumbling to catch dust and carbon. Media lasts longer, dust is reduced. After the corn cob was gone I bought walnut lizard media at WalMart. Like BangBang said, the walnot cuts and cleans better and faster, leaves a matte finish instead of a polish.
Then I bought a dual drum rock tumbler at HF after the vibrator blew out a bearing. Started using SS pins with Dawn and LemiShine (or any other citrus based dishwasher booster). Great results, quieter operation and shorter time in process. I dry them in a flat colander type tray that I hope lasts forever since I can't find them anywhere else. Some folks use food dehydrators bought at garage sales for a few bucks. I keep looking but people always was 30.00 +/- and that close to full price. I raise my flat vented tray up on the bench, have a small clamp fan and brooder (clamp) light with a 100w bulb pointed at them and they dry spotless in maybe an hour...insode and out, primer pockets and all. My brass looks like new Starline when I am done.
Two keys to getting spotless and shiny brass that won't tarnish. I now have a FA Platinum wet drum tumbler that is pretty much bulletproof, holds maybe 20# of brass, water, Dawn ...I am finding the LemiShine is not so important. What is important is a cap or less of a liquid car polish like ArmorAll...I look for whats on sale. The current bottle is Blue Coral. The detergent boosts the cleaning of the Dawn and the wax coats the cases so they will not tarnish...also gives a sheeting effect to shed the water. They run up in the dies better also.
I use the salad spinner to separate the brass and SS pins, spinning and rinsing in cool water. Then I dump the load from the spinner to the flat colander that has a towel in it. Flipping and wiping the brass gets 95% of the water gone, then the colander gets set up under the fan and light.
I've given and traded brass away and people RAVE about my finished product. It doesn't take much extra time and I like the look.
The walnut is now reserved for polishing the lube off of rifle cases and I use a pretty slick way to lube them for re-sizing also.
https://www.harborfreight.com/dual-drum-rotary-rock-tumbler-67632.htmlhttps://www.amazon.com/Frankford-Arsenal-Separator-Polishing-Reloading/dp/B00HTN4R6O/ref=pd_lpo_200_t_0/142-5380941-3914128?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00HTN4R6O&pd_rd_r=cf159c7f-5ab7-4f03-b552-166c724fee83&pd_rd_w=mHfsP&pd_rd_wg=Mu2vW&pf_rd_p=7b36d496-f366-4631-94d3-61b87b52511b&pf_rd_r=3R9YR6Y30M4N5A061H7W&psc=1&refRID=3R9YR6Y30M4N5A061H7Wwhew...these have gone up in price since I got mine
Here's my salad spinner...goes in a five gallon bucket. There are fancier ones, this works.
https://www.amazon.com/Frankford-Arsenal-Quick-N-EZ-Separator-Reloading/dp/B004J4B2IW/ref=sr_1_9?dchild=1&keywords=brass+separator&qid=1595159784&sr=8-9These would probably work for drying