In Tennessee it can be loaded if you have a carry permit. There is a bill introduced House Bill 2817, sponsored by House Majority Leader William Lamberth, R-Portland, would allow a person to carry a handgun without a permit as long as he or she otherwise would have qualified for one. A person who does not meet the state’s list of qualifications to carry or a person who did something that would have a permit revoked would not be allowed to carry a firearm under this bill. Which led to House Bill 1553, sponsored by Bruce Griffey, R-Paris, which would remove all criminal penalties for carrying a firearm openly or concealed as long as the person possesses that gun legally. Parten testified in favor of this bill because it removes the restrictions in HB 2817, which causes it to fall short of his definition for constitutional carry. Which the subcommittee advanced but not law as of yet.