Author Topic: After 3000 rds, going to do the ...shudder to even think apart the P-07  (Read 3804 times)

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Offline GRU7_Mike

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Ok, I did the shoot it and wait thing long enough.....about 3000 rds.  My P-07 is my favorite firearm, but the trigger even though it has improved with a little fluff and buff things are not where I want it.  Need to knock the D/A weight down and a little off the S/A  I do not compete anymore but having done so for many years the fun just is not there unless the target has little holes smushed up in the center of the target only!  Need to change some springs....polish the heck out of the gritty parts and make it better.  Have taken my Glock , S&W and even my Kahr  down to nothing and back several times.....a CZ is a bit more complex though....Reading and watching videos and pictures in here ...well I think I got this.  Hold my beer....NO wait wrong thing to say!!!  Wish me luck ladies and gents.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
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Offline Hammer Time

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You'll be fine, man. While the P-07 may seem more complicated compared to a striker gun, it's still a super-easy gun to tear down and work on. After you do it a few times, it will seem a lot less daunting. Have fun!

Offline eastman

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I took about 3# off of the DA just by changing to a 15# mainspring and extended firing pin (both from CGW)
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Offline radagast

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Hi Mike
     My P07 was about as rough as they come, and I was close to having my FFL send it back. After 500 rds it loosened up a bit, and I decided to try the polishing as described by members of this forum. With the info and encouragement I found here, I've managed to turn it into a pretty sweet shooting pistol. I admit that it's probably not a competition piece, but it's fun to shoot now, and has proved to be extremely reliable.
      I don't have any real gunsmithing experience or specific tools, but did not find it difficult at all. If you've had other pistols apart and managed to reassemble them, I'm sure the P07 will be a piece of cake for you ! 
"Let there be light"  and there was muzzle flash !

Offline Tok36

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Joe L's videos are very helpful. I have done 3 passes on my P-09 and i have gone back those videos every time.

P-09 (and P-07) disassembly reassembly of frame part videos

May the mission go well GRU7_Mike.
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline CCWLearner

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Joe's videos helped me a lot during the first few detail strips I did on my P-07's.  At this point I have it committed to memory.

There are a few points of frustration you may encounter, depending on what tools you have on hand and your experience level.  Personally I'm not heavily experienced with any kind of gunsmithing, or any other mechanical fields for that matter.  About the only thing I'm experienced with completely tearing down and rebuilding is a desktop PC.

However, after having done my P-07's many times now, I feel very comfortable with it.  It's actually kind of therapeutic.  I have a few single-purpose tools and specific methods for dealing with things like reinstalling the trigger assembly, decocker spring, mainspring plug, firing pin retaining pin, etc.

Also, working on my P-07's has increased my overall level of capability and confidence for doing other similar things, like working on my other handguns and rifles.

Offline GRU7_Mike

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Decided if I was ripping it down, might as well replace some parts too.  Not going into detail, working on a pretty thin budget right now, so had to go the least expensive route.  Ordered a M*carbo spring kit for a P-07/09 @ $29.95.  Good video for installation on YouTube... 

...along with a number of very informative videos from the forum. .... I can hear all the "you get what you pay for" cat calls right now, but I know M*carbo products are good and maybe not be the GGW that most CZ owners would use, but like I said, on a budget and am not in competitions, just want a better range target gun and I know these parts will do it.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2020, 07:15:12 AM by Wobbly »
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
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Offline Hammer Time

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Decided if I was ripping it down, might as well replace some parts too.  Not going into detail, working on a pretty thin budget right now, so had to go the least expensive route.  Ordered a M*carbo spring kit for a P-07/09 @ $29.95.  Good video for installation on YouTube along with a number of very informative videos from the forum. .... I can hear all the "you get what you pay for" cat calls right now, but I know M*carbo products are good and maybe not be the GGW that most CZ owners would use, but like I said, on a budget and am not in competitions, just want a better range target gun and I know these parts will do it.

I haven't used the M*Carbo springs on my P-07 but people who have them seem to like them just fine. Honestly, while CGW makes great aftermarket products, I think M*Carbo does as well. And that vid you posted is a really good one for step-by-step takedown, polishing & improvements. I bet you'll see a big difference! And get to know the workings of your P-07 a lot better at the same time.  ;)
« Last Edit: August 16, 2020, 07:16:03 AM by Wobbly »

Offline inthevalley

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Here are some misc notes from my experiencing dissassembling/reassembling Omegas:

1. make sure you reinstall decockers the right way. Right way=1-2 minutes, wrong way=doable in 10-60 minutes. The right way is to:
-place hammer on half cock (also true for removing decockers)
-install right side decocker at 12 o clock position, install decocker spring
-push in left side decocker, pushing down on ejector to get it in
-line up both decockers at 11-12 o clock, push down on ejector to get L ejector to seat into R ejector, JUST enough that rotating one now rotates the other as well.
-carefully push the decocker spring short leg into the decocker shelf, then move decocker spring coils to L side if necessary
-should now be able to slowly and easily lower the decockers to the correct 9 o clock position
-push L decocker in all the way. Done!

2.  hammer spring:
-easily removed if you have the lanyard plug. If you have the flat plug, you can screw a deck screw (or similar diameter hard object) into your workbench, then push the plug onto the deck screw to push it up enough to drive the pin out
-doesnt need to be removed unless removing hammer. To remove sear pin without removing hammer spring, just fully decock the hammer

3. Triggerbar/trs
-you need a slave pin to reinstall. I made mine by sacrificing a punch, using a dremel to cut it to the width of the trigger

4. Misc
-the first time you dissasemble, take a birds eye puc of frame with slide removed. This will help you easily remember orientation of sear, etc.
-pins go out R to L, and in L to R. The hammer plug pin doesnt matter, i am unsure about the trigger bar pin.
-the ejector and sear spring are held mostly by gravity once their respective parts are removed. They are tiny and you dont want to have to search your floor for them! Remove them pre-emptively if you will be turning frame upside down or removing the triggerbar pin.
-to remove hammer, you first remove sear pin and related. Then, lift up on disconnector. Hammer pin should cone out with almost no force. To reinstall, first lift disconnector up, and drive in hammer pin so disconnector sits in the notch.
-read Schmecky's P07 tuning thread in the Gunsmithing stickies

Offline jurek

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Here are some misc notes from my experiencing dissassembling/reassembling Omegas:

3. Triggerbar/trs
-you need a slave pin to reinstall. I made mine by sacrificing a punch, using a dremel to cut it to the width of the trigger

4. Misc
-pins go out R to L, and in L to R. The hammer plug pin doesnt matter, i am unsure about the trigger bar pin.

Quite good observations !  :) Thx for sharing.
My 2 cents:
-you need a slave pin to reinstall.
Cotton swab's rod works perfectly. Single use but no costs at all. Just cut it for proper size.

-pins go out R to L, and in L to R.
Sear pin is tricky. Left side is different from right.

Be sure you clean holes after removing springs (trigger bar spring, ejector spring, sear spring) - they keep a lot of gunpowder's residue.

Offline GRU7_Mike

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I appreciate all the comments giving me advice and support.  I just realized I do not have a roll pin punch set so I ordered one from Amazon.  I hear yes, you need them and no you do not...I have never used them on any of my other firearms, but now I have a set....well tomorrow I will.  Another thing I just found, after searching everywhere...I like a flat trigger and have installed them on all my firearms....Seems strange no one makes one for a P-07/9.  Not even CGW!  Not that the trigger is bad on the P-07....not like the Glock 43x OEM was.
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
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Offline Hammer Time

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Offline Ironhand

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Decided if I was ripping it down, might as well replace some parts too.  Not going into detail, working on a pretty thin budget right now, so had to go the least expensive route.  Ordered a M*carbo spring kit for a P-07/09 @ $29.95.  Good video for installation on YouTube... 

...along with a number of very informative videos from the forum. .... I can hear all the "you get what you pay for" cat calls right now, but I know M*carbo products are good and maybe not be the GGW that most CZ owners would use, but like I said, on a budget and am not in competitions, just want a better range target gun and I know these parts will do it.

I have the Mcarbo spring kit in mine along with some time spent polishing.  I am thrilled with the improved feel, and to date, have had zero issues.  I am a relative noob here and would love to see a real example of where some component of the Mcarbo kit failed. 
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.  -Mark Twain

Offline GRU7_Mike

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CZ Custom makes a DA/SA flat trigger for the Omegas:
  Well how about that...TY   Although the are out of stock at this time.  It says some fitting may be required....Have to try to find a video on installation of this....once again ty
Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.
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Offline recoilguy

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Mcarbo works great in a few of my guns but I do not have a P-07.
Based on the 3 other guns I have put Mcarbo kits in all with very noticeable improvements I would say you can expect good results.

Good luck sir! I get the concept of liking tightly packed group of holes. have fun.

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