welcome back.
I cant think of what will cause the issues you are having.
My personal opinion, is that the grip should NOT be an issue since you are not having issues with the other x many rounds and the other mag. I took a friend out shooting and when he was shooing my HK P30L, it was doing random failure to ejects. I was just shooting it and did not have any issues and that was the way before i had shot it too. but what happen was that he was "limp wristing" the gun. After i showed him what he was doing, it cleared up. But from time to time, he would do it again. I think it was sort of him being "out of shape" since if you have not shot guns you may not have the hand/wrist/arm strength. But again, i feel your grip is not the issue. I could be wrong, but your solution will tell.
But im thinking that its maybe your mag. It maybe dragging on the bottom of your slide?
If you want, maybe fill up a mag with a few rounds and when you are shooing, use your free hand to pull down on the mag base for each round. Not to "remove" the mag, but if there is any "extra?" friction/rubbing on the bottom of the slide, it maybe enough to allow the slide to move all the way back and lock back.
Also, someone posted some failure to eject? movies using a cellphone camera in slow motion. If you have a camera with this feature and if you can get someone to take a movie of it, it may disclose the issues.
But to me, in order for the slide release to engage, the slide MUST travel rearward far enough for this to happen. Again, not sure if it is happening or not. Then you need the follower to push up on the slide release.
and you may want to make sure the slide release is free/loose to move if it needs to with the mag not in place. see if you can push up on the inside tab as an empty mag would. Maybe use a pencil and the eraser end to push up and see if it moves freely.
good luck and come back on what you find out.