Maybe you don't know it, I am from Germany.
Therefore many of the abbreviations used by Americans on gun forums were or are still unknown for me.
CGW is such a still unknown example.
Can you enlighten an ignorant German what that means?

If you write that there are many pictures of CZ pistols, also to be enlarged, I can also use this website in the event of a future problem with my P07.
just an for you info (FYI).
on my 1st foray onto a board, not this one, but another, i used an Acronym without spelling it out first.. Some of the local board gods, jumped all over me for not spelling it out first as if i was doing a paper. My mistake. Hard lesson learned! sometimes I will get lazy and not spell it out first and sometimes i will.
And For what its worth (fwiw), the world IS becoming more global, so that will just make things a bit more difficult, interesting and heated and that goes for the boards too.
And miss understanding goes both ways too, so dont be afraid to ask if some acronym isnt know to you. I can see where some terminology maybe different in a translation. As the saying goes, "chances are if you have a question, someone else has the same but wont ask".
And to make matter worse, you may find that everyone may have their own 'shorthand or lingo" within their own group of friends. My mom did. So, its just another hurdle to clear.