That's capitalism, baby!
Yes it is.
A wise shooter told me not being able to afford a guns or bullets is way better than not being allowed to have any of them.
True bullets were cheaper a short time ago. You also didn't have to wear a mask and watch NFL players kneel for our anthem. Crazy times.
Primers are my acheilia's heal now.
The market will be what people will pay. If you wont pay that price, then you will either be without or always looking for someone who doesn't know what the market is and take advantage of them.
It is my experience that value is not always a reflection of production cost, it is a reflection of replacement cost. If the market shifts back and some store has a an order arrive they paid the 50 bucks a box rate for would you pay them 50 when the price is now 15 because they bought them when it was 50 bucks or would you expect them to be at the market price. Cake and eat it hardly ever happens.
GD80...Selling guns to buy bullets?
I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't even consider it.
Good news is, Now you are set for a little while. Next time you sell something to buy bullets - PM me. I am always looking for a good deal on guns.