Funny, just a few months ago, guys were saying 9mm and 223 was so cheap to buy that reloading just didn't make much sense.
That was then, Ridiculously High Prices are now.
I have always been a Reloader, even when Ammunition was much less expensive.
I've stocked up on loading supplies and ammunition whenever possible because somehow I knew, back then, that these days would come.
It just happen so regularly now, so many events that affect our gun purchase behavior, unfavorable gun laws, hearth quakes, pandemics, mass shootings, riots, the Kardashians, and the one we haven't foreseen yet. That is why we should all stock up during good times and become reloaders.
The worst could be yet to come. Imagine the Presidency and the Senate turning liberal in November, it is a very possible outcome. If this happens, I can guaranty all gun shops and gun supplies will be totally empty within 24 hours, and if we are crying when seeing a 50 rounds box of 380 going for $100, it will probably double that price, and someone will buy it for sure. But that would just be the beginning, Congress won't be on our side any longer, we will see many new Federal gun regulations. We are in trouble (Sorry, I didn't really want to bring politic into the picture, but just as an example of all we could be dealing with).