Author Topic: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!  (Read 33280 times)

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Offline florida man

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #135 on: July 25, 2021, 02:21:55 PM »
I remember the ammo and reloading component drought back in 2012.  This was a shortage resulting from the political climate following that school shooting.  Eventually, prices normalized.   Meaning that I was able to stock up on primers at $30 a brick, as an example.  This shortage is much the same......Political climate exacerbated by a breakdown in law and order in certain communities.  Citizens that believed that their only responsibility for their personal protection was to dial 911, were seriously rethinking that concept.  Hence the unprecedented demand for guns and ammo.  Now will prices drop to pre-Covid levels.  Perhaps not, as inflation of our currency is being fueled by political climate.  I am also wary of forms of “back door” gun control ie. taxes and regulations, that will add to cost.  Time will tell.


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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #136 on: July 25, 2021, 03:27:35 PM »
Time will tell, fellow Floridian.

Offline tripingram

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #137 on: July 25, 2021, 11:10:50 PM »
If anyone thinks pre-plandemic pricing is going to return you will be sadly mistaken. If you don't need ammo at this point then that's good but if there is anything you'd like to stock up on I'd bite the bullet (pun intended) and get some of it now. Just as long as the obidenton administration continues to beat the anti gun drum prices are going to stay inflated. Yes some roll back has been noted but the days of $159 a case 9mm are probably lost forever.
Probably. Labor costs, material costs, building new machinery and factories all will add to the bottom line. But, given enough time, it might get close. We will see.
Not to mention loss of competition when Federal acquired Remington's ammo business.

Offline AZ_GunGuy

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #138 on: July 26, 2021, 01:18:32 AM »
My lgs is doing $600 for 1000 9mm rounds.  That at least seems sane.  They had about a dozen 1000 rd crates.  At least it's in stock.  Hopefully the prices soften a bit more.
CZ Shadow 2 OR  - DPP, Armanov Grips, Toni Frame Weight + Thumb Rest
CZ P-10 C - CZC OR Upper, Romeo1Pro
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Offline JBruns

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #139 on: July 26, 2021, 07:23:38 AM »
If anyone thinks pre-plandemic pricing is going to return you will be sadly mistaken. If you don't need ammo at this point then that's good but if there is anything you'd like to stock up on I'd bite the bullet (pun intended) and get some of it now. Just as long as the obidenton administration continues to beat the anti gun drum prices are going to stay inflated. Yes some roll back has been noted but the days of $159 a case 9mm are probably lost forever.
Probably. Labor costs, material costs, building new machinery and factories all will add to the bottom line. But, given enough time, it might get close. We will see.
Not to mention loss of competition when Federal acquired Remington's ammo business.
That goes both ways though. Like Sig building a new ammo facility in Ark, and saying they will start making their own primers. Whoever was supplying those primers for them will likely be dumping them on the consumer market, once Sig no longer needs them.

Offline Gunnerdad80

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #140 on: July 26, 2021, 09:33:47 AM »
My lgs is doing $600 for 1000 9mm rounds.  That at least seems sane.  They had about a dozen 1000 rd crates.  At least it's in stock.  Hopefully the prices soften a bit more.

At the very start of the ammo price hike I bought a 1000 round case of federal 115 grain FMJ for $389. That’s expensive but $600, is CRAZY town prices. But that was topped when I saw the same 1000 round case of Federal and others go for $800-$900. BAT-SCHIT-CRAZY town!!! :'(

Offline schnmbang

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #141 on: July 26, 2021, 09:53:18 AM »
The local Walmart by me still getting in batches at pre pandemic prices

Offline Gunnerdad80

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #142 on: July 26, 2021, 10:45:54 AM »
The local Walmart by me still getting in batches at pre pandemic prices

Wait Walmart?! Every Walmart I’ve been in since January has been completely empty of ammo. Nobody will even buy the guns they have in stock.

Offline schnmbang

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #143 on: July 26, 2021, 01:56:01 PM »
The local Walmart by me still getting in batches at pre pandemic prices

Wait Walmart?! Every Walmart I’ve been in since January has been completely empty of ammo. Nobody will even buy the guns they have in stock.

Yupp I have three close to me. Have got .22 short subsonics, 7mm mag, .30-06, .22lr, .22-250

Offline George16

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #144 on: July 26, 2021, 02:04:47 PM »
The local Walmart by me still getting in batches at pre pandemic prices

Wait Walmart?! Every Walmart I’ve been in since January has been completely empty of ammo. Nobody will even buy the guns they have in stock.

Yupp I have three close to me. Have got .22 short subsonics, 7mm mag, .30-06, .22lr, .22-250

I agree. A couple of Walmart’s in my area still have some of those .22LRand are cheaper than the academy store cross my subdivision.

Offline schnmbang

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #145 on: July 26, 2021, 02:24:57 PM »
I agree. A couple of Walmart’s in my area still have some of those .22LRand are cheaper than the Academy store cross my subdivision.

Just stopped in. Got a 100 rounds of 12 gauge target and a .308 for $17.49 a box
« Last Edit: July 28, 2021, 06:26:06 AM by Wobbly »

Offline armoredman

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #146 on: July 27, 2021, 03:10:48 AM »
Primers are starting to trickle in. My local CAL Ranch store is selling CCI 500 SPP for $5.99 a box of 100. before the plandemic it was $3.99 a box, so the increase is almost normal. Limit one box per day, but I'll work with it, since I can't find them anywhere else. I have seen Bruno's post emails saying primers in stock, walk in's only, but they tend to charge dear. MidwayUSA sent me notices on CCI#41 SRP available three days running, but by the time I got TO the website, they were bye bye. Oh well, still getting better, slowly.

Offline JBruns

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #147 on: July 27, 2021, 07:38:50 AM »
Nice to hear they are even showing up in Cali. Primers are getting almost easy to find in my area. SP still goes pretty fast, but you can commonly find pretty much anything else right now. Wife and I scored 4K of CCI SP Saturday. I need to stop though, and wait for lower prices. I'm kind of primer rich right now.

Offline tdogg

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #148 on: July 27, 2021, 10:03:51 AM »
I was just at bruno's and they wanted 100 per k for cci450s and 120 per k for cci41s.  They also had federal large rifle for 100 per k.

I couldn't pay those prices.   I did spend 35 per pound on cfe223.

I'm hoping prices and supply continue to improve.


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Offline Gunnerdad80

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Re: I’ve just about had it with these ammo prices!!!
« Reply #149 on: July 27, 2021, 05:59:13 PM »
I just sucked it up and spent $65 for 80 rounds (4 boxes) of Monarch 145gr steel case 300 BLK. >:( I want to sight in my new SIG ROMEO5XDR and really wanted to shoot anyway. Just sucks to pay $14.99 a box for Monarch. Oh well, tiz-what-it-tiz I guess.  :-\