Author Topic: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....  (Read 10359 times)

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Offline mrar15

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #15 on: October 26, 2020, 11:25:24 PM »
Got both AK47 (SAM7, mill receiver) and AK74 from Arsenal. Got them before the price went up the roof. They are both very nice and accurate compare to typical AK. I also got a Norinco AK47 folding stock back in the day before the ban, rarely shot it these days. I also got a VZ58 as well. This one looked like an AK but not quite the same as the internals are totally different. Having an AK rest assured that there a bang every time you pull the trigger ;D.

Offline Screwball

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #16 on: October 26, 2020, 11:48:25 PM »
I can recommend PSA AKs very easily. My truck gun is a piston AR pistol, which had a bad heat treatment on the piston rod (bent inside the upper). Was out of my AR pistol for a few weeks... so tossed in the AK-P that I picked up for s***s and giggles. Gun doesn’t miss a beat, and is accurate enough for what I needed.

Only issue, and why I couldn’t wait to get the AR back in the truck, is that I’m L/E. Last thing I’d want would be to roll up on an active shooter while off-duty, pull out a short barrel AK, and get lit up by responding units. When I ran that gun, I actually pulled out the reflective yellow Velcro patches off my winter jacket to toss on my body armor (already had Police patches... but wanted more visibility). It doesn’t look like a gun someone in L/E would use.

My other AK is a 2013 WASR (US barrel). I love that gun, being it is a cheap AK that runs... plus my first AK. Actually at the gunsmith, getting the barrel nut removed (un-NJing it). Once that is back, likely going to do Magpul furniture to it for a little better usefulness.

Only thing I’d say to stay away from is anything Century built. They can import ok guns (WASRs, for example), but don’t get suckered on a gun they built themselves. Depending on how the election goes, either there will be a Metric s*** ton of guns going up for sale this holiday season, or people will be scrounging for anything that fires a projectile. Just watch what ends up on your plate.

Offline cfr

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2020, 12:44:35 AM »
Right about this time 12 years ago I bought a Saiga in sporter configuration as that was all I could find when Obama was about to be elected. Ive since converted it, and it’s awesome. No idea how much AKs are going for these days or if this would save you cash or not, just thought Id throw it out there.

Offline coffeecoloredcatfish

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #18 on: November 02, 2020, 10:22:25 PM »
I don't have an AK now. But I'd like to get one in the future as a fun gun. Just need to wait until the budget gets back up to where it should be.

Offline mountaindude

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2020, 06:28:16 PM »
I don't want to make you feel bad, but you totally messed up selling the Arsenal SLR. Those really are superb AKs, and they've only gone up in price. I'm also no expert, but I've played with a few Yugos, Romanians, even a couple other milled receiver offerings and the Arsenals immediately feel much nicer in all regards.

I personally went with a CMMG MK47 Mutant because I like the modularity and overall style of an AR but the power and reliability of 7.62x39 with AK mags. It's also way overbuilt and knowing it can withstand more abuse than an actual AK makes me smile. Save for a couple soft strikes in the first couple hundred rounds, it's been a phenomenal shooter and I wouldn't trade it for any real AK. I got a great deal on a base model Gen 1 and have been slowly upgrading along the way. Eats everything I feed it, though I will say the polymer Magpul mags do tend to seat and feed better than the various steel mags I have, which I'm honestly okay with, and I've had nothing but positive experiences so far with Golden Tiger.

That being said, your desire for an AK might also be driven by aesthetic too, in which case a Mutant won't satiate that. It is also a little hefty (I'm at around 12.2lbs fully loaded with everything pictured attached). But if you're just looking for a super solid platform to launch some surplus 7.62 downrange with some surprising accuracy, you would be hard pressed to find anything better.

They also make an MK47 pistol/SBR offering under the Banshee line. No direct experience with those but I've heard nothing but absolute praise for them.

Any thoughts on your Mutant versus the Rock River offering (LAR-47)? I like my early WASR 10/63 but am in the market for another way to burn through 7.62x39 while using my existing stash of AK mags.

Offline sevt_chevelle

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #20 on: November 26, 2020, 07:22:45 AM »
I'd love to have AR-15 in 7.62x39 caliber (which is cheaper), but I heard it won't be so reliable (eats everything and no mags malfunction) as original AK.

I have an AR in 7.62x39, built it last winter, has probably 600 rds down the pipe.  So far NOT ONE I repeat NOT ONE single issue the gun.  Although 600 rds isn't a lot of rounds its still an indicator and thats with crap russian ammo.  I let a guy from work borrow it for deer season this year, having never shot the rifle before, he put 5 shots under an inch.  It has repeatedly produced 5 shot groups that hover in the 1 to 1.5 inch range.

Satern barrel and C-products mags

Offline lewmed

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #21 on: November 30, 2020, 11:08:00 PM »
 I have never owned an AK but I remember what it sounds like to be shot at with one and when I hear one it brings back memories I'd like to forget.

Offline Metal Wonder Nine Guy

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2020, 12:13:25 AM »
Got both AK47 (SAM7, mill receiver) and AK74 from Arsenal. Got them before the price went up the roof. They are both very nice and accurate compare to typical AK. I also got a Norinco AK47 folding stock back in the day before the ban, rarely shot it these days. I also got a VZ58 as well. This one looked like an AK but not quite the same as the internals are totally different. Having an AK rest assured that there a bang every time you pull the trigger ;D.

 What type of SAM7 did you have?

Offline Mercs

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Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2020, 09:04:03 AM »
If you want to get any semblance of a deal right now on an AK, you want to research old Pre-ban and Ban Era imports. These are actually the highest quality AK’s although some have their quirks, if you do your research you can still find some deals on the lesser known varieties of Romanian, Bulgarian, Chinese (believe it or not these are higher quality than any American AK of today), & Hungarian rifles. Otherwise get on the mail lists for WBP Fox (Polish) rifle or one of the new ZPAP (Serbian) models with chrome lined barrel

Edit: DO NOT overlook the VZ-58 (Czech) similar to AK but lighter, short-stroke, milled reciever, more accurate, with BHO feature and a more ergonomic safety

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« Last Edit: December 02, 2020, 09:15:07 AM by Mercs »

Offline Steinbrenner

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2020, 11:21:29 AM »
I have a Draco SBR and SAM7K with a brace and I would recommend either one, I’ve had other AK’s in the past, 47’s and 74’s both and even a couple of VZ58’s but this are the only two I’ve kept.

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Offline KnightSchneider

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2020, 12:17:43 PM »
The VZ58 is a great rifle...light and handy; excellent quality weapon, as you’d expect from the Czechs.

The main downside is can find surplus mags, but not as ubiquitous as the AK....same with spare parts.

I just picked up a Zpap92; excellent fit and finish...definitely an excellent value at the moment.  All the features I would hope for in terms of how they are manufactured.

The ATF’s website is down...but this will be getting a stamp and becoming an SBR.

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Offline Steelmonkey

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2020, 09:54:52 AM »
Best bang for the buck right now, is Zastava USA M70 ZPAP.

Offline Mercs

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2020, 01:12:13 PM »
Current production AK pistols, I’m partial to the WBP Lynx pistol because it has a FB Radom medium-heavy CLHF barrel and the most solid red dot mount available, on the rear sight block.

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Offline KnightSchneider

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2020, 02:33:55 PM »
I agree on the lynx>zpap92...I couldn’t find a lynx in stock anywhere

I know Atlantic just got a shipment of wpb rifles, and they sold out in a matter of minutes at $1100

It’s a dismal time in the AK world...the threat of import ban I think will fuel a run on any imported AK for the foreseeable future

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Offline wanderson

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Re: Find myself wanting an AK. Know nothing about them....
« Reply #29 on: December 16, 2020, 03:37:42 PM »
Not really a good time to buy anything but AKs seem to be worse than other platforms when it comes to current prices.
All mine were purchased in the $600-$800 range when $500 ARs were everywhere. Even before the panic, prices were jumping as imports dried up.
AKs have a lot of character and a lot of history but above a grand, your options open up. I have a VZ2008 and it’s a much more modern platform.
Where the AK shines is aftermarket, tons of stuff.
Also have a few ARs in 7.62x39, they take the prize for accuracy vs the AKs.
I like my WASR, Zastava is also good value even at today’s prices, and based on recent reviews Palmetto State Armory is improving enough I’d try one.
If it’s a Century build, do some research, they’ve made quite a few stinkers. RAS47 & C93 come to mind. Check out the AK Operator’s Union site, lots of good info with 5k round tests on the latest models.